How it Goes Right (or Wrong)

Sine Qua Non

The Triangle of Subordination and The Triangle of Imposition clearly complement each other and are rather straightforward. They are intrinsic to organizations (as distinct from communities) and inherent in employment work.
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Employee Triangle of Subordination. Management Triangle of Imposition

If you do not want to subordinate yourself: there is no need to be employed at all. Get out of that organization. But you must still work: that is essential to keep sane quite apart from financial and social benefits. But work on your own, or with your family, or join with one or a few others in a partnership. You should still take the lower five levels seriously. ClosedClick to see. Many elements of management will be required of course, but the management framework to handle you no longer exists.

Pattern without the management overhead.

Reject Helplessness

There is more difficulty in the next step where the Rectangle of Assimilation is heavily dependent on the Rectangle of Compromise. Employees simply cannot be properly involved, even loyal, when management insists on ill-judged policies or rules, and handles people insensitively at times of stress and change.
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Rectangle of Employee Assimilation Rectangle of Management Compromise

That is why management must compromise and individuals must assimilate themselves into the organization in order to do their work. That requires inner strength: but inner strength is often most evident through outward gentleness and adaptability. Are you compromising your integrity by choosing to conform? Not at all. Why?Closed Conforming is unavoidable if you regard employment work as appropriate for yourself. If you feel deeply compromised, perhaps you should not be working inside an organization.

What you have to ask yourself is:Closed Am I conforming to avoid being my own person?

ClosedMore detail: 

Overlaying the diagrams, it is evident that culture sits on individuality, while discrimination sites on conformity.  While management develops the culture, you must find your unique way to incorporate those values. Even as management seeks to discriminate in your favour, you must conform in general. In other words, the fundamental tension in both frameworks finds its epitome here.

Be Keen to be Thoughtful

The biggest difficulty comes with The Square of Keenness and The Square of Thoughtfulness, because the same people who are keen need to be thoughtful.
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The Square of Employee Keenness The Square of Management Thoughtfulness

Whereas at the very highest levels management could be impersonal, the move to flexibility-CG5, with its requirements for engagement, sensitivity and responsiveness, takes everything into the personal realm. The inclusion of energizing work for results-CG3—both your work and the work of employees whom you manage—forms the beating heart of a well-run organization.

The current state of human consciousness means that a great deal of improvement lies ahead. THEE frameworks are being developed to facilitate, in a small way, this major change in the way we think of ourselves, our work, and others.


The Tetrahedron of Morale and the Tetrahedron of Productivity represent the culmination of employment life. This culmination lies at the foundation. Amazing!? Or perhaps not. Building on secure foundations is surely just common sense.
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Tetrahedron of Employee Morale. Tetrahedron of Management Productivity.

Triangles provide the cerebral control,
Rectangles offer the muscular manifestations, and
Squares are the beating heart,
then well-functioning
Tetrahedrons would represent the sexual fulfillment of employment work.

Every employee (which includes every manager) wants to do work they love in a high morale organization whose productivity is the benchmark for others.

Closed Q: Can anything go wrong here?

Just never forget the human element.

Originally posted: 17-Dec-2011