Affinities and Antagonisms

Quadrant Features

The two methods within a quadrant share similarities and have an affinity. This was noted initially noted when constructing the TET. It became evident again in looking at preferences for environmental change and issue complexity.


Differences in Focus   Differences in Preferences
General properties of quadrants when axes are handling others (X) and handling mental states (Y).   Stabilization methods in quadrants differ in terms of the social environment and personal issues.

As a result of this differentiation, Methods in diagonally opposite quadrants can be expected to manifest an antagonism in their core features, as explained further below.

Adjustment v Development

Adjustment Quadrant: The lower left quadrant contains the two methods that give the highest priority to recognizing what exists, adapting to it and making the best of the situation. These methods tap into our basic needs for survival and belonging.

Quadrant characteristics of stabilization methods.

Social existence provides some flexibility in that a person may be able to move between groups or even societies. By contrast, Vital existence demands use of a body whose features (size, strength, flexibility, symmetry) are given and primarily genetic. The benefit, however, is that the neuro-chemical response and health benefits from exercising are available with a high degree of certainty.

Development Quadrant: The upper right quadrant contains the two methods that give the highest priority to finding others who are congenial, and then connecting and fostering relationships. These methods enable the fulfilment of higher needs for recognition and friendship.

Sensory existence provides for a greater diversity of contacts, which are necessarily more superficial and often infrequent or transient. However, the diversity extends interests and opportunities. Relational existence leads to greater depth and strength in any personal connection and more certain gratification. Because relationships are more enduring, personal maturation is likely to be fostered.

Vulnerability v Self-Possession

Vulnerability Quadrant: The lower right quadrant contains the Emotional method that manifests in more or less extreme ways. The experience and expression of feelings generates a vulnerability to inner turmoil and a self that genuinely varies because it depends on current attachments.

Emotional-sensitive existence at the upper left tip of the ellipse is associated with psychological defences to protect against mental pain, so reducing vulnerability to some degree. Emotional-empathic existence at the lower right tip requires much greater openness. Vulnerability is greater but here it becomes protective because awareness of feelings is used to handle people and situations effectively. The result is less rigidity and greater adaptability.

Self-Possession Quadrant: The upper left quadrant contains the two methods that give the highest priority to independent development of desirable inner mental states. The result is a sense of self-possession. Emotions here are felt and valued, but they are viewed as information or signals. So the self-identity is not necessarily affected and a person is not over-powered or enslaved by their feelings.

Individual existence is focused on authenticity and continually watches for threats to self-esteem. The value of the emerging self is asserted and environments are chosen to support the self-concept and permit the exercise of autonomy. Transpersonal existence transcends the self and unites with events to develop a serenity that is far more immune to any upset.

Centrifugal drives and requirements in the stabilization methods within the four quadrants.

Centrifugal Solutions

As explained above, the extreme method in each quadrant is more powerful and beneficial in terms of the specific quadrant quality. These extreme methods are under personal auspices. So, if circumstances in the social environment are persistently oppressive, they become attractive as stabilizers. However, shifting your method in this way takes effort and is not easy to sustain.

On the left side, the effort that each quadrant requires takes the form of self-discipline. This ensures perseverance and continuity in return for an enhanced sense of control.

On the right side, the effort that each quadrant requires takes the form of deliberate initiatives. These are opportunistic in nature, and enhance the quality and strength of attachment to others.

Originally posted: 15-Sep-2014. Last updated: 22-Dec-2014.