The Diamond Pattern

Oscillation:  Inwards vs Outwards

In reviewing the source of self-esteem in each PH'4C-Mode, there appears to be an oscillation of attention that is describable as inwards v outwards. See the Table below:

  Mode Self-esteem Source Orientation of Attention Explanation
μ1 Emotional Be genuine Inwards The nature of personal feelings can only be found from looking within
μ2 Social Be active Outwards The way to be acceptably active requires attention to the outer world.
μ3 Individual Be self-accepting Inwards The object to be accepted is always a personal quality, impulse, tendency &c.
μ4 Sensory Be convivial Outwards Conviviality must be adapted to the situation and the company.
μ5 Vital Be disciplined Inwards The requirement is to discipline personal impulses that could impede success.
μ6 Transpersonal Be open Outwards Engagement with the cosmos primarily means being open to the environment.
μ7 Relational Be content Inwards Critical or bad feelings about a friend must be put into perspective and forgiven.

Connection to Past Investigations

Analysis of previous Spirals have found that the odd- and even-numbered modes call for different handling:

  • The odd-numbered modes call for acceptance and adaptation.
  • The even-numbered modes call for exploration and initiation (or activation).
  • The final version of Mode-1 acts as if it were «Mode-8», and so takes on an even-numbered quality i.e. in this case, the Emotional mode-μ1 would have a different quality when it is consistently empathic rather than spontaneously sensitive.

It seems appropriate that:

  • inner-directed attention accords with acceptance/adaptation to one's own human nature i.e. we cannot easily control our inner life.
  • outer-directed attention accords with activation/initiation in the social environment i.e. we have a preference to control the outer world.

The diagram below summarizes the conjectures and reveals the diamond pattern.

ClosedGenerality of the Pattern

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Intersecting diamonds of adaptation and regulation in regard to strengthening the sense of self.


μ1Min-Emotional Mode: Sensitivity is about accepting whatever feelings are there, and then adapting to them both within yourself, and in terms of the situation. For example, intense anger at someone's remark may lead you to leave a room to avoid a socially embarrassing outburst.

μ3-Individual Mode: You must create a self-concept by accepting your personal traits, capabilities, temperament, cultural upbringing and so on. Self-development is built on adapting to both your quirks, talents, and your limitations.

μ5-Vital Mode: You have to accept that your comfort zone must be left behind because it limits you, and then adapt to your own unique but unknown potentials. (It might seem that embarking on a self-testing challenge suggestive of activating/initiating, but developing the challenge comes secondarily.)

μ7-Relational Mode: There is the need to accept that a special bond exists when you are special for the other person. At the same time, if you make someone special, you need to adapt to their imperfections and to the chemistry that develops between you.


μ2-Social Mode:  You must initiate group affiliations that fit your interests; and you must activate participation by taking on responsibilities and making contributions.

μ4-Sensory Mode: In order to feel good, you have to activate your contacts and participate in social circles where you fit in comfortably. As well as attending circle events, you must initiate your own congenial get-togethers.

μ6-Transpersonal Mode: Recognizing that you are a tiny but valuable part of the total cosmos is a spiritual awareness that must be activated. You need to explore associated spiritual impulses and initiate regular use of your better self.

μ1Max-Emotional Mode: Every interaction requires empathic exploration to appreciate its emotional nature, and to initiate appropriate responses. Empathy guides you in choosing to avoid, to help out, to get closer, or to maintain a polite distance.

Reversal : Psychopathology & Sociopathology

In the other Spirals, any attempt to reverse the duality—i.e. to accept-adapt when the requirement is to activate-initiate, or vice versa—meets with a collapse in functioning due to a loss of social support and/or loss of contact with psychosocial reality. By contrast, in strengthening the self, duality reversal may be more enduring, even if at the price of generating dysfunction.

Activation/Initiation (instead of Acceptance/Adaptation)

μ1-Emotional Mode: The active decision about what emotion to apply in a situation and its artificial activation is typical of a hysterical personality. However, actors and actresses are expected to produce emotions as required.

μ3-Individual Mode: A self-concept may paradoxically reject the true self. Activation of a false self that will be admired by others then occurs. This is the defining characteristic of narcissistic personality disorders. Falsity may also be used by swindlers and others who live by deceiving others as to their true nature.

μ5-Vital Mode: A person may take on challenges under social or family pressure. There is however no great sense of pride, even if there is success and others are admiring. The net effect is exhaustion. A person may feel damaged by the effort rather than being invigorated and strengthened.

μ7-Relational Mode: Endless initiation of relationships occurs where there is a refusal to accept imperfections. This can lead to a series of relationships that fail through discontent with their quality. Alternatively, instead of adapting there is relating through controlling, which often degenerates into emotional abuse.

Acceptance/Adaptation (instead of Activation/Initiation)

μ2-Social Mode:  Just accepting a group and adapting fully turns a person into an instrument. Such a person is potentially capable of inhuman behaviour. Totalitarian governments are known to abrogate freedom of association and use membership of a diverse range of interest groups as evidence of disloyalty.

μ4-Sensory Mode: Trying to enjoy what others enjoy (but you don't) does not lead to feeling good. Trying to mix in social circles that you happen to find yourself, but where you do not actually fit, is a recipe for discomfort and embarrassment or humiliation.

μ6-Transpersonal Mode: Instead of a natural activation of personal spirituality a person may just accept religious dogma and become a cult-follower. Adaptation to social beliefs and norms weakens personal powers of judgement and choice.

Originally posted:  7-Jan-2016. Last amended:25-Jun-2016.