Quadrant Characteristics

Affinities & Antagonisms

General features of quadrants in relation to social acceptance and committed advocay of work in philosophy schools.

The diagonal differences and transitions lead to sharp quadrant distinctions as might have been expected from the original quadrant description, shown again on the right. The most obvious affinities are between two methods that share a quadrant due to similarities in qualities related to the X & Y axes: high-high, low-low, high-low, low-high.

Considering Quadrants from the perspective of the Approach Duality shows up significant potential antagonism.

Two Quadrants deal with engagement processes within the School.

The Lower Left Quadrant (low X low Y) is confidential and deals with intimate situations. Guardianshipis the requirement and privilege of selected individuals, who may insist on secrecy in some of their work. Mentoring calls for more openness but students are expected to speak freely during mentoring and this only occurs if there is a degree of confidentiality that mentors respect.

The Upper Right Quadrant (high X high Y) reflects political processes and deals with large groups. Although membership assumes a united social body, transient and enduring factions due to polarization of views inevitably appear. Application, if effective, becomes political on a grander scale: with parts of the public objecting to the influence of a strange or even pernicious unprovable doctrine, and others welcoming the illumination provided. There is also likely to be political controversy within the membership body over adjustments involved in moving outside the original doctrinal focus.

Quadrant features of work in philosophy schools showing natural antagonism between diagonal opposites.

The other two Quadrants deal with abstract accounts of the Doctrine.

The Lower Right Quadrant (high X low Y) with realization of fundamentals offers personal accounts because any meaningful realization of the doctrine is an individual matter. Cultural assumptions are also personally held. Personal accounts of fundamentals are expected to conform with the orthodoxy.

The Upper Left Quadrant (low X high Y) offers official accounts because dissemination is required to use widely accepted standard versions of the doctrine that are taken for granted by adherents. Revision involves long-term scholarship and deep thought. New formulations that are detailed and explicit need to be reviewed and debated to get recognition within the School.

Central versus Peripheral

Each quadrant contains a more extreme and a less extreme method of working. This even applies to the realize fundamentals quadrant because there are distinct forms of realization at each pole of the ellipse.

Linkage of all peripherally plotted methods and all centrally plotted methods generates two concentric circles as in the diagram at right.

The inner circle contains work activities intrinsic to sustaining the doctrine and developing the School. This corresponds to the use of imaginative gestalts to capture reality, the formation of a circle of adherents or believers who spread the word and associate in a social body as they come to see themselves as a distinct «school of thought».

Work lies on concentric circles with work on the inner circle developing the school and work on the outer circle sustaining the school.

The psychosocial pressure constantly at work here appears to be acceptability: both in personal and social terms.

The outer circle contains work activities concerned with continuity of the doctrine and sustaining the school within society—even if only as a fringe pursuit. Perpetuation depends on ensuring faithful transmission, revisions that ensure the doctrine stays relevant, and applications that popularize doctrinal essences and win social acceptance.

The psychosocial pressure constantly at work here appears to be understanding: by adherents and by wider society.

Inner Defers to Outer

There are also linkages between the two circles within each Quadrant. The inner method looks to the outer method for confirmation and assistance in winning acceptance and gaining converts.

Using the labels previously developed and going clockwise from L1:

  • In the lower-right personal quadrant, the illumination of an individual's account (L1) is supported if it is also an expression of cultural assumptions (L1).
  • In the lower-left confidential quadrant, mentoring (L2) looks to effective guardianship(L5) for reassurance as to continuity of the orthodoxy and confirmation of its enduring value.
  • In the upper-left official quadrant, dissemination (L3) looks to revisions (L6) for guidance on the creation of up-to-date educational materials.
  • In the upper-right political quadrant, membership (L4) looks to applications (L7) for evidence of value and an informal social license to function openly, building finances and winning converts.

To this point, work has taken for granted the existence of a School and its doctrine. It is time now to consider how a doctrine gets started and ultimately established as a School.

Taxonomically, establishment requires a view of Types (ways to promulgate) as Modes (how to develop interest), and then development of a Spiral trajectory of growth that cumulates the Modes and enable the Doctrine to become established within societies.

Originally posted: 7-Sep-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024