Establishing a School: PH'5Q5C

Schools Start Very Small

No sophisticated doctrine, much less a philosophy school dedicated to it, appears out of nowhere fully grown. Unlike a discipline-Q3, the origins are usually to be found in the work of a single person. This originator is later referred to as «the founder». Read more about the founder prior to a school.

People tend to congregate around the founder, but the new awareness may fail to develop or die out before anything substantial results. However, if there is sufficient energy, the founder is charismatic and willing, and the stars align, then a school can develop and become established.

In THEE, temporal growth and strengthening is typically revealed by a Spiral trajectory on the TET layout: see the Hub. This approach served us well in relation to conventional organizations (Q2C) and societal institutions (Q4C) as well as in many other taxonomic frameworks.

Because of its singular origin, the establishment of a new school of thought-Q5 is more socially problematic than establishing a family-Q1, organisation-Q2, discipline-Q3 or institution-Q4. In those Arenas, strengthening focuses on other dimensions. Looking at these Arenas together, a progression in difficulty to establish is evident.

Philosophy schools-Q5 with their powerful doctrines naturally sit above societal institutions-Q4, and potentially spawn movements that introduce new values to society so as to shape those institutions. With the aid of movements, schools can even overturn the political or cultural status quo.

As one might expect, the origin and growth trajectories of a doctrine are highly variable and can take place over many years, usually decades, and even centuries.

Preview the Spiral Pattern

Establishment of a new doctrine (which is a value system-PH6L6) and organisation of its adherents in the form of a school requires peaceful coexistence with other value systems (doctrines, creeds, ideologies &c) and their adherents. The growth of any new school must also battle with idiosyncratic personal biases, as well as apathy and indifference to ideas in general.

It seems that we can trace establishment of a school through the usual two Cycles found in a THEE Spiral.

In working out this process, the 7 ways (t) to promulgate a philosophy are viewed in value terms as 7 modes (μ) for developing interest.

Spiral trajectory shows how a school gets established.

In this case, each Cycle starts and ends with the fundamental realizations (μ1), originally experienced and identified by the school's founder but subsequently elaborated by others.

Cycle-1 is about gaining sufficient adherents.

The early accounts of illumination (μ1) must be inspiring enough to lead to the mentoring of willing individuals (μ2) who become adherents and engage in more general forms of dissemination (μ3), which finally leads them to set up an association (μ4) dedicated to adherents and doctrine perpetuation.

At this point there is a social body recognized legally within a society that is a school—not just an abstract school of thought, but an actual association of adherents organised to protect and promote the doctrine.

Cycle-2 is about the doctrine's long term persistence which entails its ideas moving from the esoteric fringe to the cultural mainstream.

Continuity of the shared convictions (μ1) are first ensured by recognizing guardianship of an orthodox version (μ5), then by revisions (μ6) that remove errors, extend the doctrine and update the doctrine to suit social conditions, and finally by applying the essential ideas in ways that bring benefit to society beyond the original focus (μ7). At the conclusion of this Cycle, the doctrine can enter the cultural mainstream (μ1).

Let us start now where it all begins.

Originally posted: 30-Nov-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024