Stage-7: Develop Generalized Applications

Benefit Society

Stage-7 general application is needed to enable society to benefit from the doctrine.

From the outset, the doctrine, despite its specific focus, was assumed to be of benefit to society in general. This does not just occur through the direct use of the doctrine narrowly conceived. It also, and perhaps predominantly, occurs through applying the doctrine to particular situations, persons, groups, or events so as to develop a more humane and effective handling.

Example: ClosedPolitics in Social Groups

Once the doctrine is viewed as sufficiently developed, modern and relevant, it is ready to be generalized. Those applying the doctrine beyond its original focus typically adjust and even simplify certain essences to enhance credibility and acceptability. Raymond Aron wrote that Karl Marx's work "can be explained in five minutes, five hours, in five years or in half a century".

Example:  ClosedHelping Hospitalized Children

Doctrinal adjustments to suit some significant social phenomenon may well be ignored or even disowned by orthodox adherents while being mocked by experts. One or a few individuals, insider-adherents or well-read outsiders, may become the face of application and popularization at any particular point in time.

Example: ClosedIntellectual Debate


For applications to yield results takes many years and the process is unpredictable and evolutionary in nature. Nevertheless, over time, aspects of the doctrine can come to permeate the culture, with different societies and different sections of any one society assimilating different notions.

As a doctrine becomes widely applied in society, the initial Stage-1 fundamental realizations get re-engaged, but now those early illuminations become cultural assumptions in regard to the way things are. At this point, everyone has heard about the fundamental ideas even if many will not even know that they emerged from an esoteric and once highly controversial doctrine.

Example: ClosedPsychoanalysis in Society

Orthodox psychoanalysis starting in the 20thC as a controversial fringe group grew in prestige as a treatment to reach a peak from which it has slowly receded in recent decades. What the doctrine lost as a specialized method of treatment for the few, society gained from its spawning of a wide variety of schools and therapies with diverse methods and applications while retaining many basic ideas. Notions like the unconscious, impacts of childhood relationships on later life, transference, defences, emotional ambivalence, the importance of sexuality, narcissistic manipulations and more have become accepted and used to understand or intervene in diverse social situations. This is particularly evident in areas like healthcare, welfare, literature, theatre, advertising, and propaganda. The reverse has not been the case: psychoanalysis has been resistant to incorporating cultural concepts or academic theories, or even seeing its own theory as part of some larger theory governing human functioning more generally.

Example: ClosedMarxism in Society



Cycle-2 is now complete and there is nothing further required to establish and a school and embed its doctrine. That does not mean that society has adopted the doctrine and everyone has become an adherent: that would be unreasonable and impossible. The doctrine will still remain controversial for many.



Originally posted: 7-Sep-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024.