Grounding the Orthodoxy: L1 & L2

L1: Realized Fundamentals

The foundation of any orthodoxy lies in the doctrine's fundamental realizations that lead people to become adherents.


Dynamic Duality: Any orthodoxy rests on an affirmation of fundamentals that have been formulated within a written doctrine. On the one hand this is an intensely personal act of individual commitment. At the same time it is an affirmation by and for the school (i.e. the membership group).

So, in the Tree, this level becomes a single balanced Centre.
 L1B is labeled Awareness of Fundamentals.

Psychosocial Pressure Closed:

Both the Spiral and Root exert the same psychosocial pressure, which is performance. This relates to a requirement to actively and publicly state the importance of doctrinal formulations in relation to certain human fundamentals.


As additional Centres are identified, possible linkages to and from L1B will be explored and explained.

L2: Personalized Mentoring

The doctrine is spread and kept true to the orthodoxy through a willingness to educate others. Educative methods involve mentoring, supervision, and guidance for novices and junior members. The goal here is for wrong thinking, inadvertent distortions, and misunderstandings to be nipped in the bud.

Channel between work at Level 1 and Level 2.


Dynamic Duality: While the process is a personal activity, it is performed on behalf of the school and so is simultaneously social. In the strictest schools, permission to mentor is controlled by guardians.

So, in the Tree, this level becomes a single balanced Centre.
 L2B is labeled Supervision & Guidance.

Psychosocial Pressure Closed:

The Stage psychosocial pressure is selflessness i.e. personal biases and ego-based drives for gratification should play no part. The Root psychosocial pressure is certainty in that the school seeks to be certain that the supervisor will communicate the doctrine in an orthodox way. This is why any school-organisation pursues indoctrination and controls this education. Communications by the supervisor to the initiate are required to be infused with certainty about the doctrine's fundamentals.


The awareness and affirmation of fundamentals confirms that a person is ready to perform as a mentor. Conversely, the process of mentoring allows the mentor to confirm and re-affirm doctrinal fundamentals.

So the L1B L2B Channel is labeled: Doctrinal Confirmation.

Originally posted: 4-Dec-2022. Last updated: 10-Apr-2024.