Warren Kinston
14. May 2013 10:00
ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN 2012 but not posted till 2025.
This life is not just physics and biology.

It is also experiential and social. Any reduction or contempt for this meta-reality (metaphysics) prevents us studying how we are creative and ethical. When we create or make a moral choice it feels real because it is real. Being real, it has real-world effects apart from neuronal firing. Ignoring these effects is dangerous, really dangerous—just as ignoring a safe falling onto your head is dangerous. On the other hand, you can ignore your neurons entirely: there will not be the tiniest difference to what happens.
If you have a scientific bent, as I do, then you will believe that anything that is real can and should be studied. I call this meta-reality: psychosocial reality.
Grasping personal psychosocial reality is tricky because More...
Warren Kinston