Selected Publications

The publications have been placed in sections as follows. Click to access.

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The Nature of Human Endeavour

These are the SIGMA Project papers, written or developed mainly from 1980-1990 while at Brunel University (London). Click on the square red PDF icon by each item to download.

Kinston, W. (1981, rev. 1995, rev. 2007)
Conceptualising experience.
Discussion Document, Sigma Centre, Brunel University.

Much of this material is now incorporated into the Experience & Individuality satellite.

Kinston, W. (1982)
Pluralism in the organisation of health services research.
Social Science and Medicine, 17 (5): 299-313.

Application of the inquiry framework (PH'2).

Kinston, W. (1984)
Linking system research and delivery systems: The example of health care.
In: Trappl, R. (ed). Cybernetics and Systems Research, 2. Elsevier Science Publ. B.V. (North-Holland).

Kinston, W. (1985)
Measurement and the structure of scientific analysis. Systems Research, 2: 95-104.

Followed by correspondence in the Journal: Systems Research, 4: 147-149

Initial formulation of inquiry framework (PH2): currently being revised. See revisions in the Frameworks Room.

Kinston, W. (1986)
Purposes and the translation of values into action.
Systems Research, 3 (3): 147-160

Initial formulation of purpose framework (PH6): subsequently revised and published as Ch.3 in "Working for Values". Posted for free download.

Kinston, W. (1988)
A total framework for inquiry.
Systems Research, 4 (1): 9-25.

Initial formulation of testing methods (PH'2), now renamed "research methods": currently being revised. See revisions in the Frameworks Room.

Kinston, W. and Algie, J. (1989)
Seven distinctive paths of decision and action.
Systems Research, 6 (1): 117-132.

Initial formulation of decision typology (PH'1): subsequently slightly revised and elaborated. Now posted here.

Kinston, W. and Rowbottom, R. (1989)
Levels of work: New applications to management in large organisations.
Journal of Applied Systems Analysis, 16: 19-33.

Initial formulation of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2): subsequently revised andnow posted here.

Kinston, W. (1989).
Completing the hierarchy of purpose.
In: Ledington, P. W. J. (ed.)
Proceedings of International Society for the Systems Sciences 33rd Annual Conference,
Edinburgh, 3: 245-264.

Initial formulation of purpose framework (PH6): subsequently revised and published as Ch.4 in "Working for Values". Posted for free download.

  Kinston, W. (1989)
Problems of methodology in psychoanalytic research.
Invited discussion paper for a Special Programme on Psychoanalytic Research at the 36th International Psychoanalytical Congress, Rome.
Kinston, W. & Rowbottom, R. (1990)
A new model of managing based on levels of work.
Journal of Applied Systems Analysis, 17: 89-113.

Initial formulation of organising management (PH5QsH2): subsequently significantly revised and now posted here.

Kinston, W. (1992)
Decision systems, inquiring systems and a new framework for action.
Unpublished paper.

Formulations are currently under revision.

Kinston, W. (1992)
Total Ethical Management London: The SIGMA Centre.
Kinston, W. (1994)
Strengthening the Management Culture
London: The SIGMA Centre

Derived from the decision typology (PH'1): subsequently slightly revised and enlarged, and now posted here. The original text is available for free download.

Political Management

These articles flowed from work in the Political Management Program, carried out in collaboration with David Wilshire, then Leader of the Wansdyke Local Council, subsequently a Member of Parliament (MP) for Spelthorne (UK), and now retired from active politics. Click on the square red PDF icon by each item to download.

Kinston, W. (1988)
Stronger Political Management in Local Government: A Guide.
Political Management Program, Brunel University: London.
Kinston, W. and Wilshire, D. (1988)
Is restructuring the answer to better performance?
Local Government Chronicle, p.11, 2 Sept.
Kinston, W. (1988)
Rescuing local government.
County Council Gazette, 81 (2): 50-52.
Wilshire, D.and Kinston, W. (1988)
A local revolution.
The House Magazine, p. 6, 20 June.

Material in these articles has been revised and incorporated within the Politics satellite. See especially political territories.

Organisation & Management of Health Services

These articles were generated by work as Director of the Health Services Centre (originally HSORU, the Health Services Organisation Research Unit), at Brunel University. Click on the square red PDF icon by each item to download.

Øvretveit, J., Tolliday, H. and Kinston, W. (1981)
Research into the organisation of physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy, 67 (4): 110-113.
Kinston, W. and Øvretveit, J.
The physiotherapist as bureaucrat.
Physiotherapy, 67(6): 168-170
Kinston, W., Øvretveit, J. and Williams, J. (1981)
The nature of the District Physiotherapist role.
Physiotherapy, 67 (11): 329-333.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston, W. (1981)
Improving health care institutions: An action research approach to organisation of complex systems.
In: Trappl, R. (ed). Cybernetics and Systems Research, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ.
Kinston, W., Øvretveit, J. and Teager, D.P.G. (1981)
Levels of work in physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy, 67 (8): 236-239.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Øvretveit, J., Kinston W., and Richardson, J. (1982)
Organisational problems in high-level clinical physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy, 68 (1): 10-12.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston W., Øvretveit, J., and Cleland, S. D. (1982)
The origin, significance and future of the District Physiotherapist role.
Physiotherapy, 68 (4): 119-123.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston, W. (1982)
Resource consumption and future organisation of medical work in the National Health Service.
Social Science and Medicine, 16: 1619-1626.
Kinston, W. (1983)
Hospital organisation and structure and its effect on inter-professional behaviour and the delivery of care.
Social Science and Medicine, 17: 1159-1170.
Kinston, W. (1984)
District health organisation.
Social Policy and Administration, 18 (3): 229-246.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston, W. (1987)
Stronger Nursing Organization
Brunel University: London.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston, W and Rowbottom, R. (1989)
Making General Management Work in the National Health Service.
Brunel University: London.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Kinston, W. (1989)
The role of region in the post-White Paper NHS.
Health Services Management, 85 (3): 110-113.

Application of the work-responsibility framework (PH5QH2).

Family Therapy & Family Interaction Research

This body of work was centred at the Hospital for Sick Children & the Institute of Child Health (University of London). Click on the square red PDF icon by each item to download.

Bentovim A. and Kinston, W. (1978)
Brief focal family therapy when the child is the referred patient. I. Clinical.
Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 19:1-12.

Reprinted in: Walrond-Skinner, S. (ed) Developments in Family Therapy. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London (1981).

Kinston, W. and Bentovim, A. (1978)
Brief focal family therapy when the child is the referred patient.
II. Methodology and results.
Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 19:119-143.

Reprinted in: Walrond-Skinner, S. (ed) Developments in Family Therapy.
Routledge & Kegan Paul: London (1981).

Kinston, W., Loader, P., and Stratford, J. (1979)
Clinical assessment of family interaction: A reliability study.
Journal of Family Therapy, 1: 291-312.
Loader, P., Kinston, W. and Stratford, J. (1980)
Is there a "psychosomatogenic" family?
Journal of Family Therapy, 2: 311-326.
  Kinston, W. (1980)
The healthy and the unhealthy family: Research in interaction.
In: Pines, N. and Rafaelson, L. (eds).
The Individual and the Group: Boundaries and Interrelations in Theory and Practice,
Plenum Publishing Corpn.: New York.
  Kinston, W. and Bentovim, A. (1981)
Creating a focus in brief marital and family therapy. In: Budman, S. (ed).
Forms of Brief Psychotherapy,
Guildford Press, New York.

Loader, P., Burck, C., Kinston, W., and Bentovim, A. (1981)
A method for organising the clinical description of family interaction: the "Family Interaction Summary Format".
Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 2: 131-141.

Reprinted in: Kaslow, F. (ed)
The International Book of Family Therapy,
New York: Brunner/Mazel (1983)

Translated into Portugese:
Um guia para a descricao: Usando o «FormatoSumrio de Interaccao Familiar» Terapia Familiar e Communitaria, No.2 (1981)

Stratford, J., Burck, C. and Kinston, W. (1982)
Influence of context on the assessment of family interaction: A clinical study.
Journal of Family Therapy, 4: 359-371.

Kinston, W., Bentovim, A. and Loader, P. (1982)
Constructing a focal formulation and hypothesis in family therapy.
Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 4: 37-50.

Translated into French:
Construire une formulation focale et une hypothése en thérapie familiale Psychotherapies, V: 163 (1985).

Furniss, T., Bentovim, A. and Kinston, W. (1983)
Clinical process recording in focal family therapy.
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 9: 147-170.
Miller, L., Loader, P. and Kinston, W. (1984)
Research report: Further development of the format for family description.
Australian Journal of Family Therapy,5 (3): 215-218.
Kinston, W. and Loader, P. (1984)
Eliciting whole family interaction with a standardised clinical interview.
Journal of Family Therapy, 6: 347-363.
Kinston, W. and Loader, P. (1986)
Preliminary psychometric evaluation of a standardised clinical family interview.
Journal of Family Therapy, 8: 351-369.
Kinston, W. Loader, P. and Miller, L. (1987) Quantifying the clinical assessment of family health. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 13 (1): 49-67.
Kinston W., Loader, P. and Miller L. (1987)
Emotional health of families and their members where a child is obese.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 31: 583-599.
  Kinston, W. and Loader, P. (1987)
Guidelines for family assessment.
In: Sattler, J. (ed).
Assessment of Children (3rd Ed.). New York: Jossey Bass.
Kinston, W. and Loader, P. (1988)
The family task interview: A tool for clinical research in family interaction.
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14 (1): 67-87.
Kinston W., Loader, P. and Miller L. (1988)
Talking to families about obesity: A controlled study.
International Journal of Eating Disorders, 7 (2): 261-275.
Kinston W., Loader, P., Miller L. and Rein, L. (1988)
Interaction in families with an obese child.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 32 (4/5): 513-532.
Kinston, W., Miller, L., Loader, P. and Wolff, O.H. (1990).
Revealing sex differences in childhood obesity by using a family systems approach.
Family Systems Medicine, 8 (4): 371-386.
  Kinston, W. (1988)
Family health scales for assessment in family functioning.
In: Keller, P.A. and Heyman, S.R. (eds).
Clinical Practice: A Source BookVol. 7.
Professional Resource Exchange, Inc., Sarasota, Florida.
  Kinston, W. & Bentovim, A. (1990)
A framework for family description.
Contemporary Family Therapy, 12 (4): 279-297.
  Bentovim, A. and Kinston, W. (1991)
Focal family therapy: integrating system theory and psychodynamic understanding.
In: Gurman, A. and Kniskern, D. (eds)
The Handbook of Family Therapy. Vol. II. New York: Brunner Mazel
Chapter 9, pp 284-324.

Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

This work took place at the Maudsley Hospital (London), at the Department of Child Psychiatry in the Hospital for Sick Children (London) and in private psychoanalytic practice. Click on the square red PDF icon by each item to download.

Kinston, W. and Rosser, R.M. (1974)
Disaster: Effects on mental and physical state
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 18: 437-456
Kinston, W. (1976)
Some aspects of large group functioning
Group Analysis, 9: 25-27
  Rosser, R.M., Kinston, W. et al (1978) Unavailable
Psychotherapy and dyspnoea
Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of Biological Psychiatry .
Elsevier: Amsterdam
Kinston, W. (1979)
Discussion of the paper by Dr. T. Brod "Narcissistic rage, the erotic transference and the suicide contract"
Paper presented to the 5th Pre-congress Conference of Candidates, New York
  Kinston, W. and Rosser, R.M. (1979)
Individual psychotherapy
In: Hill, R., Murray, R. and Thorley, A. (eds)
Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry, Academic Press: London
  Rosser, R.M. and Kinston, W. (1979)
Research in dynamic psychotherapy
In: Hill, R., Murray, R. and Thorley, A. (eds)
Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry, Academic Press: London
Kinston, W. (1980)
A theoretical and technical approach to narcissistic disturbance
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 61: 383-394
  Kinston, W., Lemlij, M. and Steiner, R. (1980) Unavailable
Psychoanalysis in context
Bulletin of the British Psychoanalytical Society, No.5: 17-23
  Kinston, W. (1982) Unavailable
The social context of psychoanalysis
Bulletin of the British Psychoanalytic Society, No.3
Kinston, W. (1982)
An intrapsychic developmental schema for narcissistic disturbance
International Review of Psychoanalysis, 9: 253-26l
Kinston, W. (1983)
A theoretical context for shame
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 64: 213-226
Kinston, W. (1983)
The positive therapeutic reaction
Scandinavian Psychoanalytical Review, 6: 111-127
Denford, J., Guz, A., Heslop, A., Kinston, W., et al (1983)
Breathlessness and psychiatric morbidity in chronic bronchitis and emphysema: A study of psychotherapeutic management
Psychological Medicine, 13: 93-100

Kinston, W. and Cohen, J. (1983) Not available in English.
Repression in the light of object-relations theory.
Paper presented to the International Psychoanalytic Congress, 1983

Translated into Spanish
La represión a la luz de la teoría de las relaciones objetales
Revista de Psicoanalisis (1983)

Cohen, J. and Kinston, W. (1984)
Repression: A new look at the cornerstone
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 65: 411-422

Translated into Catalan
Revista Catalana de Psicoanalisis (1986)

Kinston, W. (1984)
Clinical illustration of a theory of shame
In: Tamminen, T. (ed)
Theories of Narcissism: Clinical Applications
Helsinki: Foundation for Psychiatric Research in Finland
Kinston, W. and Cohen J. (1986)
Primal repression: Clinical and theoretical aspects
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67: 337-355

Translated into Spanish
La represion primaria: aspectos teóricos y clínicos
Libro Anual de Psicoanalisis (1986) Ediciones Psicoanaliticas Imago S.R.L., Peru

  Rosser, R.M. and Kinston, W. (1986)
Individual psychotherapy
In: Hill, R., Murray, R. and Thorley A. (eds)
Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry (2nd Edition) London: Grune & Stratton
  Kinston, W. (1987)
The shame of narcissism
In: Nathanson, D (ed)
The Many Faces of Shame
Guildford Press: New York

Kinston, W. and Cohen, J. (1988)
Primal repression and other states of mind
Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 11: 81-105.

Translated into German
Proceedings of the DPV-Arbeitstagung (1987) Wiesbaden, West Germany

One-page Table produced to summarize "psychostatics"
A short document dealing with common questions about Primal Repression
Kinston, W. and Cohen, J. (1988)
Cycles of growth during psychoanalytic therapy
Discussion Document, SIGMA Centre, Brunel University
Kinston, W. (1988)
The concept of identity in psychoanalysis.
Discussion Document, SIGMA Centre, Brunel University
Cohen, J. and Kinston, W. (1989)
Understanding failures and catastrophes in psychoanalysis
Discussion Document, SIGMA Centre, Brunel University


My introduction to scientific research; plus some quirks from the past. Click on the square red PDF icon by the item to download.

  Kinston, W. (1961)
Complete Junior Chemistry Equations.
Wm. Brooks & Co: Brisbane.
  Kinston, W. (1967)
Lecture Notes in Pharmacology.
S.U.M.S.: Sydney.
Kinston, W., Vadas, M.A. and Bishop, P. O. (1969)
Multiple projection of the visual field to the medial portion of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and the adjacent nuclei of the thalamus of the cat.
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 136: 295-316.

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated:24-Sep-2016.