Arenas for Individualizing : PH'4Q

The focus in this section is on the Architecture, psychosocial pressures, and determining names, not on specific frameworks enabling practical use of particular Arenas. So there will be minimal specifications or explanations of properties and applications.


The RL4/PH4-Experience Domain is dominated by the pressure for Well-Being and meets the Primal Need for individuality.

As explained, individualizing Arenas are mobilized by social exchanges.

These exchanges affect the continuity of self-representation via self-images and a self-concept i.e. they enable self-preservation. Unique self-representations that emerge in the Arenas play a major role in our mental stability through enabling inner comfort and social integration.

The Arenas

Sociability depends on sensory being governed by vital being.

Q1 Arena exchanges are based in L'1-sensory being i.e. regular contact with others and a flow of pleasant stimulation, in the context of L'2-vital being i.e. concentration and bodily well-being.

Investigation suggests Sociability as a formal name for the Arena because sociability involves actively engaging with others through physical activities and pleasant events. The main pressure is for performance: you have to turn up to events.

Self-confidence depends on vital being governed by emotional being.

Q2 Arena exchanges are based in L'2-vital being i.e. fitness, concentration and bodily well-being, in the context of L'3-emotional being i.e. recognition of feelings and desires for attachment.

Investigation suggests Self-Confidence as a formal name for the Arena because self-confidence is the consequence of being fit and healthy, being comfortable with feelings and having a secure attachment to someone. The pressure is for certainty: doubts will undermine your confidence.

Relationship depends on emotional being governed by individual being.

Q3 Arena exchanges are based in L'3-emotional being i.e. recognition of feelings and desires for secure attachment, in the context of L'4-individual being i.e. maintenance of self-esteem and receipt of respect.

Investigation suggests Relationship as a formal name for the Arena because friendship requires an emotional foundation and a long-lasting relationships that recognize and are forced to adapt to personal differences. The main pressure is for acceptability: a pre-requisite for solid attachment and genuine respect.

Usefulness depends on individual being governed by relational being.

Q4 Arena exchanges are based in L'4-individual being i.e. maintenance of self-esteem and receipt of respect, in the context of L'5-relational being i.e. meaningful gratification within cultivated relationships.

Investigation suggests Usefulnessas a formal name for the Arena because this requires assertion of individual capabilities to be applied spontaneously for the benefit of family, friends and neighbours. The main pressure is for well-being: you need to enjoy doing things for others.

Acceptance depends on relational being governed by social being.

Q5 Arena exchanges are based in L'5-relational being i.e. meaningful gratification in cultivated relationships, in the context of L'6-social being i.e. ongoing participation in purposeful contributions within a group.

Investigation suggests Acceptance as a formal name for the Arena because acceptance requires cultivating relationships so as to ensure others in a group will welcome you and allow you to contribute to the group with others. The main pressure is for understanding: essential for you to find a way to fit in.

Hopefulness depends on social being governed by transpersonal being.

Q6 Arena exchanges are based in L'6-social being i.e. ongoing participation in purposeful contributions within a group, in the context of L'7-transpersonal being i.e. assertion of faith and the search for divine union.

Investigation suggests Hopefulness as a formal name for the Arena because hopefulness requires a foundation in purposeful activity supported by an optimistic faith that the present distressing situation will pass. The pressure is for autonomy.

Self-protection depends on transpersonal being governed by sensory being.

Q7 Arena exchanges are based in L'7-transpersonal being i.e. assertion of faith and the search for divine union, in the context of L'1-sensory being i.e. regular contact with others and a flow of pleasant stimulation.

Investigation suggests Self-protection as a formal name for the Arena because self-protection requires acknowledging vulnerability and handling fears by a faith in goodness while staying in touch with others and being receptive to potentials emerging in the environment. The pressure is for selflessness.

Secondary Psychosocial Pressures

In the PH'4-Individualizing Arenas, the Q entities are mobilized by social exchanges that provide for self-representation. As we ascend the Q's, the context becomes progressively more abstract.


This Arena has performance as its primary pressure, which fits with its demand for attending or initiating events, meeting people and making the effort to develop and maintain a network of contacts.

Reviewing the constituent processes—attending events, engaging in conversations, giving approval, reciprocating generosity, sharing interests, friendly competitions, celebrating with others—there appears to be a secondary pressure for understanding without which social interactions will go wrong. Sociability is about communicating whose

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has certainty as its primary pressure, which fits with the importance of a determination to control self-presentation.

People actively strive to be self-confident, and in reviewing the constituent processes—physicality, taking on challenges, allowing attraction, using sexuality, releasing feelings, seeking love, receiving admiration—there appears to be a secondary pressure for performance.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has acceptability as its primary pressure, which fits with any relationship calling for a degree of adaptation and tolerance if it is to endure.

However similar any two people might be, there are differences to be managed. In reviewing the constituent processes—caring, being close, appreciating and validating, exchanges of gifts, rituals, loyal compliance, interpersonal meshing—there must be a readiness to put one's own needs and preferences to one side. So this suggests a secondary pressure for selflessness.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has well-being as its primary pressure, which fits with the boosts to self-esteem and gratification from the response of others.

Given that this is a practical arena, there must be confidence about being able to deliver the help offered. In reviewing the constituent processes—concern, engagement, applying abilities, dependability, identification, influence, backing—it seems essential to be constantly aware of one's own needs, interests, preferences and limitations. So this suggests a secondary pressure for autonomy.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has understanding as its primary pressure, which fits with the notion that you cannot get accepted by a group if you do not understand the group or what others are saying about you and what they expect from you.

There is an unavoidable dependency on the assent and approval by others. The constituent processes—conventional interactions, responsiveness, sharing, presentability, role-acceptance, contribution, credentials—need to provide a precise fit with the group's expectations and this suggests there is a secondary pressure for certainty.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has autonomy as its primary pressure, which fits with the notion that giving in to helplessness and despair or expecting rescue from the outside will not succeed.

Strengthening personal resolve and handling adversity involves choosing and persisting in a course of action in a difficult situation without becoming overwhelmed. The constituent processes—goal-setting, strategy development, seizing opportunity, self-adjustment, acceptance, gratitude and beliefssuggest a secondary pressure for well-being.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.


This Arena has selflessness as its primary pressure, which fits with the notion that self-transcendence is essential to protect the self. That allows for vulnerability and the fullest attunement to emerging possibilities.

No-one else can do this for you or even help beyond offering encouragement. The constituent processes—allow openness, see meaning, self-knowledge, practical faith, humour, defensible positions, a chosen path—suggests there is a secondary pressure for acceptability. Unacceptability leads to closing off, denying meaning, deluding yourself, harboring doubts, becoming despairing, being seduced off your position, taking the easy option.

Other pressures may be involved but they are not so crucial.

Comparing patterns of secondary pressures to this point, the findings continue to be consistent.

Originally posted:  24-Sep-2022. Last updated: 12-Mar-2023.