Pairing Arenas in PH'4Q

The Story So Far

It appears from PH'5Q-Associating Arenas that there are 3 natural pairs of Arenas plus an 7th Arena that operates in a diffuse mode. The initial investigation in PH'2Q-Knowing Arenas broadly supports this view, although not persuasively.

In this investigation of PH'4Q-Individualizing Arenas, I will again start with the assumption that the closely related pairs in this Domain will be identical to those discovered in PH'5Q as follows:

  • Q5 & Q3
  • Q7 & Q2
  • Q4 & Q1
  • Q6 alone.

I will also assume that the TET layout is identical.

As in PH'2Q, alternatives will be considered to the pairing and the quadrant layout.


Q5-Acceptance & Q3-Friendships.

These seem to go together in that without Q5-Acceptance it is hard to find potential friends. You can adapt until you are accepted eventually, but Q3-Friendships depend on mutuality.

Here, Q5-Acceptance is most under personal control and is located peripherally.

Plot of the arenas of individualizing against unspecified X- and Y-axes.


Alternate pairing of Q5: 
Q5-Acceptance appears to be rather fundamental and it could be pair with any of the others.

Alternate pairing of Q3: 
Q3-Friendship does not seem so basic: it need not pair with any of the others.

Q7-Positivity & Q2-Confidence

These seem to provide each other with powerful support. It is noteworthy that these two are not linked directly in the Tree.

Others can easily damage your Q2-Confidence, but they cannot touch your Q7-Positivity: so Q7 is most under personal control and, as expected, is located peripherally.


Alternate pairings:

Q7-Positivity and Q2-Confidence, like Q5-Acceptance, appear to be fundamental and able to pair supportively with any of the others.

Q4-Usefulness & Q1-Sociability

These seem to go together, because neither requires much emotional or interpersonal intensity. Being useful is a way of being sociable and being sociable encourages demonstrating usefulness.

Q4 Usefulness is most under personal control, and so is placed peripherally.


While both Q4-Usefulness and Q1-Sociabilitycan link with others, there is no obvious alternative pairing.

Q6-Hopefulness is the singleton which extends from its application to daily life to its application in extreme or adverse circumstances.


Having established the pairings and found the same extreme-central patterns, it seems reasonable to assume a similar location of the Arena pairs on the TET quadrants (as shown in the diagram above). However, we need to specify the axes.

As always, the axes define the psychosocial field or context within which the plotted arenas operate. In the case of the PH'4Q-Individualizing Arenas, this could be stated as:

Plot of the arenas of achieving against reshaping identity (X-axis) and social support (Y-axis).

«A person seeking to interact with others so that his self-representation is established and preserved.»

The X-axis output could then be the re-shaping of a personal identity with Arenas varying in the degree of re-shaping likely.

Q7-Positivity and Q4-Usefulness have a minimal impact on personal identity.

Q1-Sociability and Q2-Confidence generate some small effect on identity. 

Q3-Friendships affect personal identity significantly and Q6-Acceptance has an even more powerful shaping effect on identity.

Q6-Hopefulness, is also placed in the right half of the axis given its impact on identity anmore so in adversity than in daily life.

The Y-axis input could be the requirement for social support with Arenas varying in the amount of active support required.

Q6-Hopefulness under extreme adversity assumes and requires little social support, but we expect more support in daily life.

Q7-Positivity must be largely independent of social support, while Q2-Confidence expects some minimal amount of support.

Q1-Sociability and Q3-Friendships both call for a supportive social environment.

Q4-Usefulness and Q5-Acceptance cannot properly function without a fully responsive social environment.

Further Analyses





Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022