Certainty via a Tree of PH-L2 Centres


This Tree guides you in refusing to give up so as to make your project succeed and produce achievement following severe failure.

This account is not a full exploration of psychosocial issues. It's purpose is to demonstrate that THEE is a model whose exploration generates findings that did not go into its construction. The specific aim is to scientifically validate conjectures developed in relation to the reversal of the oscillating duality and the identification of Root Level pressures of presumed biological origin. See more here.

Approach to Exposition:Closed  The Tree emerged fully developed and so the usual logical methods of exposition are not appropriate. See more here.

Note: The main Certainty level in this emergent framework appears to be KL6: Formation because everything depends on asserting your autonomy to make changes and so separate yourself from others who would give up. It may help to read this part first.

The Tree Spine

Seek Guidance at KL7 by Respecting Signals
Take Heart at KL4 by Feeling Good Believing
Find Energy at KL2 by Relying on Images
Make It Happen is at KL1 by Activating Procedures

There appears to be a move from an abstract perspective on reality down to a practical drive for tangible engagement with events. The two extreme Centres seem externally-oriented: at the top (KL7) you make yourself dependent, at the bottom (KL1) you make yourself self-reliant. The other two Centres seem internally oriented: the upper (KL4) provides a continuity, the lower (KL2) provides an adaptability.

In this central spine, the yourself v your situation duality is fused.

ClosedMore about the Balanced Centres & Vertical Channels in the Spine

In these balanced Centres, whatever works for you has to apply simultaneously for relevant others and/or the situation:

  • the signal-KL7 that you see and understand must be a signal that others can see and understand in a similar way;
  • your personal beliefs-KL4 must become believable more widely, and also make others feel good;
  • images-KL2 that you vividly generate must be an inspiring vision that others can rely on;
  • procedures-KL1 that you activate must suit the situation and activate others as well.

The three vertical Channels also show a progression: moving down from challenging (KL7 KL4) through energizing (KL4 KL2) to confirming (KL2 KL1).

KL7: Seek Guidance Certainty via Selflessness

KL7B: Respect Signals (PH5-L2)

Signals are specific messages with an unambiguous meaning. Signals may be emitted by yourself (e.g. your physical or mental state, repetitive thoughts), or evident in your environment. They may come from close at hand (e.g. family, co-workers, helpers &c) or from the wider context (e.g. new enabling technology, new legislation &c). Ignoring an unambiguous message is a mistake. Those messages must lead to changes that make a difference.

ClosedCertainty and Selflessness

ClosedWhen is a signal a signal? 

Respect for signals allows you to focus self-imposed changes-KL6Y, and demands that you create situational modifications-KL6S. Signals will also challenge your beliefs-KL4B.

Re-ordered tree of L2-Centres that carry pressures for certainty plus standard level pressures.

KL4: Take HeartCertainty via Well-being

KL4B: Feel Good about Believing (PH7-L2)

To succeed, you must not just believe in yourself, in your project, and in your approach, but feel good about it. In the present situation where there is usually social opposition, you must also believe in the value of what you are attempting for others outside your inner circle: your community, customers, wider society, even humanity.

ClosedMore on Belief, Certainty and Well-being

ClosedWhat about Negative Self-Beliefs?

Believing commits you to impose changes on yourself-KL6Y, and it gets support from the new environment-KL6S that you create. Believing requires you to become realistic about the project concepts-KL5Y, and it gets acceptance through your appreciation of outsiders' concepts-KL5S. Feeling good via beliefs is powerfully boosted by your promotion of benefits from the project's outcomes-KL3: benefiting others-KL3S develops credibility, while benefiting yourself-KL3Y is encouraging. As you look for guidance, your beliefs challengesignals-KL7B, and in looking for effects, they energize your vision-KL2B.

KL2: Find EnergyCertainty via Certainty

KL2B: Rely on Images (PH4-L2)

The project must come alive in terms of images of all sorts because they are the most intense generator of certainty in eventual success. It is not just a vision in the sense of a goal or value, but an intense experience. You need images for how the project is going to proceed, how the outcomes will look, how the benefits will spread. You should picture yourself already achieving results, and visualize getting the job done. You need images of what others will or could do. Although these are your images or at least you are primarily responsible for evoking them, others must be able to see them in their own mind's eye as well.

ClosedUse Materials to Concretize Images

Images that you rely on will energize your beliefs-KL4B. They should reaffirm those outcomes identified for yourself-KL3Y, and be aligned with support for outcomes benefiting others-KL3S . They must confirm (and be confirmed by) the easy-to-envisage procedures-KL1B.

The key mechanism here is vision: effective leaders demonstrate the confidence to present a vision despite doubt, confusion and fear around them—and this is widely regarded as needed for successful group achievement. See more.
Note that this Centre contains the certainty element (PH-L2) at the certainty  level (KL2in the Tree.

KL1: Make It Happen Certainty via Performance

KL1B: Activate Procedures (PH1-L2)

Given the likelihood or expectation of failure, it is not possible to have full confidence the effective action will accord with plans and schedules. Much greater certainty comes from following procedures. But these steps should only be activated when the time is right or success will be unlikely or even wasted.

Procedures contains steps that can be visualized. So the channel between procedures and images should be open and provide confirmation that you are on the right track (or you get early warning of trouble). They channel (and are channeled by) outcomes benefiting others-KL3S, and constrain (and are constrained by) outcomes benefiting yourself-KL3Y.

ClosedWhat if the procedures fail to deliver what you expect?

The Bi-Polar Levels

The other three levels—KL6, KL5, KL3—have two Centres each: these must take heed of each other and connect to the Centres on the spine.

KL6: Establish Your PositionCertainty via Autonomy

KL6: Enable Forms (PH3-L2).

You have to take up a new position in regard to your project. That means autonomously instituting changes that you alone are responsible for. You believe in the project so that does not need significant alteration. However, given that others do not support it or you, and failures to date are not encouraging, something is obviously going wrong. Your independence of mind and readiness to assert yourself in the face of opposition and evidence is therefore fundamental. You must determine what alterations are called for to bring you centre-stage and get others on board. As you are part of your situation, there needs to be some reciprocity between what you impose on yourself and what you now require of the situation.

KL5: Clarify Your ThinkingCertainty via Understanding

KL5: Clarify Concepts (PH2-L2)

Others will wonder what your project is about. So you need to go back to the project ideas and extract those concepts that define it. You should do this for yourself as well as for others. Only if you understand thoroughly, can you be certain. Certainty in understanding also lets you explain what you are attempting in a clear pithy way. Your explanations of your own project necessarily influence what others think, but the reverse should also hold. While the two perspectives differ, there should be a complementarity.

Note that concepts differ from outcomes.Closed Concepts-KL5 are an essence of the whole, necessarily more abstract and general than the tangible and often conventional benefits intrinsic to strategic objectives-KL3 e.g. Henry Ford's revolutionary concepts were "a car for the middle classes" "mass production" 
"consumerism" while his outcomes were the usual and desirable: "cheapness" "reliability" "profitability".

KL3: Why You Persevere Certainty via Acceptability

KL3: Promote Strategic Objectives (PH6-L2)

The project needs desirable feasible outcomes that maximize impact (i.e. strategic objectives). These are the rationale for persevering with a project that seems to many wrong-headed, doomed or impossible. In refusing to give up, you must identify and promote those outcomes. Their acceptability will give you certainty. However, there must also be outcomes that make your own effort worthwhile. Again the criterion is acceptability to yourself. Supporting benefit for others must take into considerationbenefit for yourself, and vice versa; but value for others must come first.

Last Updated: 24-Mar-2014. Last amended: 22-Jan-2015.