Acceptability via Tree of PH-L3 Centres


This Tree guides you in bypassing social resistance so as to establish your ideas a sound and provide an account needed by a group despite their rejection.

This account is not a full exploration of psychosocial issues. It's purpose is to demonstrate that THEE is a model whose exploration generates findings that did not go into its construction. The specific aim is to scientifically validate conjectures developed in relation to the reversal of the oscillating duality and the identification of Root Level pressures of presumed biological origin. See more here.

Approach to Exposition:Closed  The Tree emerged fully developed and so the usual logical methods of exposition are not appropriate. See more here.

Note: The main Acceptability level in this emergent framework appears to be KL7: Significance because that must have been previously faulty, and confronting rejection and adapting requires a selfless incorporation of what is significant, like it or not. It may help to read this part first.

The Tree Spine

Seek Guidance at KL7 by Respecting Significance
Take Heart at KL4 by Feeling Good about Seeing
Find Energy at KL2 by Relying on Emotions
Make It Happen is at KL1 by Activating Techniques

Moving down the Tree, there is a transition from looking in depth to operating on the surface. In the spine, the two extreme Centres seem externally oriented: at the top (KL7) you are attentive to how factors fit into various perspectives, at the bottom (KL1) you depend on reliable methods. The other two Centres seem internally oriented: the upper (KL4) enables focus, the lower (KL2) enables feeling.

In this central spine, the yourself v your situation duality is fused.

ClosedMore about the Balanced Centres & Vertical Channels in the Spine

In these balanced Centres, whatever is relevant for you has to be simultaneously fully relevant for the situation and others who may be involved as follows:

  • the significance-KL7 that you perceive must also be perceptible to others, and you must accept their view of what is significant too;
  • your good feelings about seeing-KL4 must be evident to others who should also feel good in some way when they let themselves see;
  • your emotions-KL2 must be genuine, fit the situation and resonate with others involved; and
  • the techniques-KL1 must be your own and activating them must be what is required in the situation.

The three vertical Channels show a progression from doubt through to certainty:

KL7B KL4BRespect for significance-KL7B challenges whether you are genuinely seeing-KL4B; and vice versa.

KL4B KL2B: Your seeing-KL4B energizes the emotions-KL2B that you experience in handling the matter; and vice versa.

KL2B KL1B:  Your emotions-KL2B confirm your techniques-KL1B; and vice versa.

KL7: Seek Guidance Acceptability via Selflessness

KL7B: Respect Significance (PH5-L3)

Whatever you have proposed has been based on your appreciation of the various factors and forces, and has been produced from your particular perspective. Now that your message has been rejected, you have to give more consideration to perspectives that you might usually reject. That may mean widening the scope of relevant factors and forces. Nothing that touches seriously on the issue should now be ignored. Whatever the significance attributed, it must be respected. Even if your conclusions or the account as a whole is rejected, you can also reasonably expect others to respect what you present as significant.

ClosedWho Determines Significance? 

ClosedAcceptability and Selflessness

Respect for significance allows you to focus improvements to your presentations-KL6Y, and releases you to require greater receptivity-KL6S from your audience. The wider significance intrinsic to engaging with an increased diversity of perspectives will also challenge what you see-KL4B.

Re-ordered tree of L3-Centres that carry pressures for acceptability plus level pressures.

KL4: Take Heart Acceptability via Well-being

KL4B: Feel Good about Seeing (PH7-L3)

Seeing in these difficult situations is more than the application of simple logic or the presentation of data that speaks for itself. It is rather using imagination, intuition, reason and evidence in order to penetrate more deeply into the particular issue of general concern and relevance to the group. When done effectively, the result is crystalline clarity and laser-like precision where it counts. However, just because an account is lucid and correct, does not mean it will be acceptable. The additional requirement here, therefore, is to see in a way that generates well-being for others. So you have to see through the resistances and be aware of how adaptations of what you offer are being received.

ClosedMore on Seeing, Acceptability and Well-being

ClosedShoot the Messenger

Seeing commits you to improve your presentation-KL6Y, and it gets support from the greater receptivity-KL6S that you generate. Seeing requires you to become realistic about the most relevant comparisons-KL5Y including competing views, and it gets acceptance through your appreciation of offered comparisons-KL5S, irrational though some of these may seem to be. Seeing develops credibility by your support for popular emphases-KL3S (fads and fashions), and it is encouraged if it suits your own preferences-KL3Y. In terms of scope, seeing challenges significance-KL7B, and in relation to effects, it energizes your emotions-KL2B.

KL2: Find Energy  Acceptability via Certainty

KL2B: Rely on Emotions (PH4-L3)

Emotions run high in this scenario of social exclusion and seemingly inappropriate rejection, as they do in most breakdown situations. However, in this case your emotions become the touchstone for proceeding and establishing your ideas as acceptable. Because emotions are contagious, you can use them to influence others. There is nothing subtle about emotions: either you and your ideas or findings are comforting and you feel welcomed and understood, or your account causes abhorrence and you feel rejected and devalued. Emotions are the only way to be certain you are attuning to your audience (singly or in a group) and they allow you to sense the acceptability of what you have to offer. (Intuitions, by contrast, are private and much less direct. Being subject to distortions by personal biases, they will encourage you to rationalize in a self-defensive way.) The certainty you gain from your emotions will enable others to get confidence in you and what you say. They too find certainty in their emotions, not in their thoughts.

These emotions must energize the willingness to see-KL4B. They will also reaffirmyour own preferences-KL3Y, and should be aligned with popular emphases-KL3S. They must confirm your reliance on relevant techniques-KL1B.

KL1: Make It Happen  Acceptability via Performance

KL1B: Activate Techniques (PH1-L3)

Techniques used to create and spread accounts are the means by which others determine acceptability. Speech, writing, video, slides &c. may all be essential but only if appropriately produced. Scientific results, for example, are primarily judged on the methods/techniques used and the form/method of communication. Techniques, being an indication of your professionalism and expertise, must be brought into play to maximize the acceptability of your propositions. Performance is a factor because any technique may be used more or less skillfully, and applied at the right time.

Others must be able to rely on the techniques as well, which means accepting their general validity and specific appropriateness. That may be difficult if they are unorthodox. Yet the challenge may have called for new techniques.

The channel between techniques and emotions-KL2B should provide confirmation that you are on the right track. Techniques need to channel (and be channeled by) your support for current emphases-KL3S, and constrain (and be constrained by) your own preferences-KL3Y.

The Bi-Polar Levels

The other three levels—KL6, KL5, KL3—have two Centres each: these must take heed of each other and connect to the Centres on the spine.

KL6: Establish Your Position  Acceptability via Autonomy

KL6: Enable Improvement (PH3-L3)

You have to realize that, for whatever reason, your interchange with the group has not been effective. Unless improvements are made, your ideas will never get established. The social group's attitudes must also become more positive. As no-one else is going to address these issues, you must assert your autonomy and make changes. Above all, to increase acceptability you need to improve your own presentations because, however correct in principle, the account was unsatisfactory as communicated. However, as you are engaging with group concerns, it is also reasonable to require greater receptivity from group members. Without that, there is probably no point. But, often all you need to do is to allow the situation to evolve. Some mutual reciprocity exists between these two poles: others' receptivity tends to improve presentation, and your improvements foster greater receptivity.

KL5: Clarify Your Effort  Acceptability via Understanding

KL5: Clarify Comparisons-(PH2-L3)

It is difficult for any of us to accept something that we cannot understand—even though we are so often in that position. The usual way to grasp the nature of anything new or strange is to compare to it something else that is familiar (cf. Piaget's assimilation). You can convey understanding best by choosing your own comparisons to help you explain your account. Analogies or examples are always useful. However, you must expect that others will select their own comparisons and analogies, not always sensibly. Some complementarity between these two sets of comparisons helps to bridge the gulf in acceptance.

KL3: Why You Persevere  Acceptability via Acceptability

KL3: Promote Priorities (PH6-L3)

Within any activity, group, field or issue, certain ideas and opinions are given most attention and importance at any moment. Anything aligned with that has group acceptability. You too have views about what are the most important aspects of your ideas and what you should emphasize. Given the diversity of relevant values and choices, priorities do not always seem particularly rational. On close inspection, emphases (i.e. priorities) both the groups and your own prove to be matters of brute assertion and intrinsically emotional. Given collective opposition, it is necessary to get on side with whatever emphases are most prevalent and get acceptability by focusing on acceptability. However, there needs to be an accommodation between your own preferences and popular priorities in your communications.

The key mechanism here is charisma: through personalizing communications, stirring positive emotions, and promoting what people already view as important, resistance to you and your ideas can dissipate. See more.
Note that this Centre contains the acceptability element (PH-L3) at the acceptability level (KL3 in the Tree.

Previously amended: 13-May-2014. Last updated: 24-Jan-2015.