Structural Hierarchy

Standard Diagram

Blank set of structures that exist within a structural hierarchy.

Explanation of the Diagram

A - G are the psychosocial forces: THEE cells with formulae and formal names.

These are referred to as "Groupings": because they combine adjacent levels in holistic hierarchies. Each combination is referred to as a "Group". Each of A to G contains the number of groups that are mathematically possible.

R - X are psychosocial states that are properties of their respective cell (i.e. R is a property of A, S of B, T of C &c. until X of G). They are named to indicate the nature of the Groups within that Grouping.

Although the diagram shows each Grouping as containing Types, more recent work suggests that a more functional descriptor is usually possible e.g. amplifier, generator. Although such terms are now systematically developed, a general analysis has not yet been performed.

Note: Whereas all the Groups are evidently taxonomic elements within the relevant framework, the status of the Groupings is less clear. Their role may be to implement the Root Hierarchy projection in which case they would be Root elements and should have a designation accordingly. See more about the standard Root Hierarchy projection to Groupingshere. [LINK]

Formulae in all Structural Hierarchies

NOTE:  ■ = the stem of the formula, which varies according to the taxonomic location of the particular structural hierarchy. It may either be RsH-, RH'CKsH-, sPH•-, PH'•CKsH-, PH'•Q◊sH-, or sPH"6-.

Red text refers to the diagram and is not part of any formula.

A = ■G1
and contains:
■G11, ■G12, ■G13, ■G14, ■G15, ■G16, ■G17
and each of these only has 1 component cell so further naming as below
(e.g.■G111 ■G121 etc) is unnecessary.

B = ■G2
and contains:
■G21, ■G22, ■G23, ■G24, ■G25, ■G26
each of which contains 2 components as follows:

■G211 & ■G212
■G221 & ■G222
■G231 & ■G232
■G241 & ■G242
■G251 & ■G252
■G261 & ■G262

C = ■G3
and contains:
■G31, ■G32, ■G33, ■G34, ■G35
each of which contains 3 components as follows:

■G311, ■G312, ■G313
■G321, ■G322, ■G323
■G331, ■G332, ■G333
■G341, ■G342, ■G343
■G351, ■G352, ■G353

D = ■G4
and contains:
■G41, ■G42, ■G43, ■G44
each of which contains 4 components as follows:

■G411, ■G412, ■G413, ■G414
■G421, ■G422, ■G423, ■G424
■G431, ■G432, ■G433,■G434 
■G441, ■G442, ■G443, ■G444

E = ■G5
and contains:
■G51, ■G52, ■G53
each of which contains 5 components as follows:

■G511, ■G512, ■G513, ■G514, ■G515
■G521, ■G522, ■G523, ■G524, ■G525
■G531, ■G532, ■G533, ■G534, ■G535

F = ■G6
and contains:
■G61, ■G62
each of which contains 6 components as follows:

■G611, ■G612, ■G613, ■G614, ■G615, ■G616
■G621, ■G622, ■G623, ■G624, ■G625, ■G626

G = ■G7
and contains:
which contains 7 components as follows:

■G711, ■G712, ■G713, ■G714, ■G715, ■G716, ■G717

Draft posted: 14-May-2013