Spiral Transformations

The transformation develops by first plotting the originating Hierarchy on to a Typology Essentials Table with suitable axes. The Spiral is then a cumulative developmental process through time and represents the maturation of the relevant context.

Root Spiral Transformation

Root   Root Spiral
Typol   Spiral Tree
Level   Stage Level
7 7 VII
6 6 VI
5 1 I
4 3 III
3 4 IV
2 2 II
1 5 V
Generic spiral shown on a blank Typology Essentials Table.

Principal Typology Spiral

Princ   Primary Spiral
Typol   Spiral Tree
Level   Stage Level
7 6 VI
6 2 II
5 7 VII
4 3 III
3 1 I
2 5 V
1 4 IV

Subsidiary Typology Spiral

Subsid   Q QH
Typol   Spiral Tree
Level   Stage Level
7 7 VII
6 6 VI
5 5 V
4 4 IV
3 3 III
2 2 II
1 1 I


NOTE:  ■ = the stem of the formula, which varies according to the taxonomic location of the particular Spiral. It may be either RH'-, PH'•-, or PH'•Q◊C-.

The originating Type is the content and timeless, whereas the Stages in the Spiral are contextual, cumulative and developmental (i.e. time enters the taxonomy).

The Stages develop in two Cycles as follows:


which automatically enters ■φ1i


which automatically enters: ■φ1m


Each Stage has a set of properties. In general, it is thought that three in the set deal with values that capture the essence, the benefit and the means; three in the set deal with group aspects, both individual and collective; and one is about personal development. The Hierarchy and Tree Centres that emerge from the Spiral are derived from the essence of the respective Stages.

These issues are discussed in more depth as part of the investigation into the Root Projection.

Draft posted: 17-May-2013. Last amended: 2-Jan-2014.