Significance of Psychosocial Pressures

Optimizers generate Primal Means

The first move in a Domain's Principal Typology Complex is from Types in a Typology to Modes in a Spiral.

Current investigations have clarified how Mode values are determined. They are Type-related values that:

  1. promote the Domain's psychosocial pressure;
  2. handle the relevant social environment, &
  3. channel personal functioning from a relevant perspective.

As a result, the Spiral reveals the Domain's Primal Means by which the Domain's Primal Need is met. It's development brings the role of psychosocial pressures to the fore.

Emergence of psychosocial pressures as a spiral evolves: Cycle-1 with transcendence pressures and Cycle-2 with actualization pressures.

As explained elsewhere, the Spiral trajectory involves a a base from which two Cycles arise. While each Spiral responds to unique psychosocial pressures, the diagram at right labels the psychosocial pressures that are common to all Spirals. with numbers referring to Modes/Stages.

Survival requires the spontaneous activation of Mode-μ1 (Type-PH'•3). Here is where metaphysical-psychosocial reality interacts with physical-practical reality in the Domain: hence the name, Primal Nexus.

  • In Cycle-1, transcending pressures (arising from RL7, RL5 & RL6 respectively) are brought to bear on the Domain Modes μ2, μ3 & μ4— which emerge from Types 6, 4 & 1. These Modes derive solely from the Domain (Root Level) being considered.
  • In Cycle-2, actualizing pressures (arising from RL2, RL4, RL3 respectively) are brought to bear on Modes μ5, μ6, & μ7—which emerge from Types 2, 7 & 5. These Modes possess values also found in the next higher Domain (Root Level).

From Primal Means to Triplet-Complex

Triplet showing how a control field emerges from the control vehicle via control effects.

The Triplet Complex emerging from the Spiral is the Originating Tree, Structural Hierarchy and Final Tree much as found in the Domain Fundamentals. But instead of these structures representing Primal Vehicle, Primal Effect and Primal Field (respectively), they represent Control Vehicle, Control Effect, and Control Field (as shown in the diagram).

In the Domain Fundamentals, the internal dualities(iD) of the Trees specifying the Primal Vehicle and Primal Field were related in a significant way. Something similar appears to play out here between the Trees specifying the Control Vehicle and the Control Field, as shown in the diagram below.

Comparing internal dualities in Fundamental trees and Control trees.

Control Vehicle: PH'•CHK

The Control Vehicle is the Spiral-derived Tree.

Every Centre of this Tree is specified by the essence of the corresponding Mode which is the most potent of the three values that promote the Domain's psychosocial pressure. The pattern is shown below.

Spiral Mode
Tree Level
μ7 - KL7 is subject to pressures for Acceptability (RL3)
μ6 - KL6 is subject to pressures for Well-Being (RL4)
μ5 - KL5 is subject to pressures for Certainty (RL2)
μ4 - KL4 is subject to pressures for Autonomy (RL6)
μ3 - KL3 is subject to pressures for Understanding (RL5)
μ2 - KL2 is subject to pressures for Selflessness (RL7)
μ1 - KL1 is subject to pressures for Performance (RL1)

This means that all the Tree Centres directly promote the Domain's psychosocial pressure; and that is why the Tree can be named: Determinants of [Primal Need].

The two Spiral Cycles that emerge from the lower right quadrant ellipse then become equivalent to the Context-Content structures that form the internal duality of the Tree.

  • The Foundation or Primal Nexus (KL1) is under a psychosocial pressure for performance, which is pure actualization within the Domain.
  • The remaining Content part of the Tree (KL2-KL4) directly controls the Domain's Primal Field (i.e. PsH•K). The psychosocial pressures that facilitate this control operate from within the Domain but, as noted above, involve transcendence i.e. selflessness (RL7), understanding (RL5), and autonomy (RL6). Note that the heart of the Tree (KL4) is under the auspices of autonomy.
  • The Context part of the Tree (KL5-KL7) governs the Content so as to make the Domain's pressure (and hence outcomes) viable or functional from the perspective of the next higher Domain. The psychosocial pressures here, as noted above, are all actualizing i.e. certainty (RL2), well-being (RL4) and acceptability (RL3)—but they are also, and perhaps primarily, all trying to actualize the psychosocial pressure of the adjacent higher Domain.

Control Effect: PH'•CsH

The Control Effect is provided by the Structural Hierarchy.

The monads in the sH are Mode essences, that is to say they are direct potent promoters of the Domain psychosocial pressure, but now under the additional pressure of autonomy (RL6). This must affect the g1 quality. The other 6 Groupings reflect the creation of Groups of these promoters. All these Groups will automatically have a g1 entity.

It follows that this framework is dedicated to the psychosocial pressure of the Domain. Provisionally, I propose that it deserves to be so named. In each Domain, a verb will be prefixed to the Domain pressure to provide a sense of the appropriate dynamism. However, it is possible that a generic social-setting oriented verb is more appropriate e.g. organising or managing.

Control Field: PH'•CsHK

The Control Field is the Spiral-derived Structural Hierarchy Tree.

As regards psychosocial pressures, this Tree has the psychosocial pressures assigned to the Groupings in the Structural Hierarchy as shown below.

G7- KL7 is subject to pressure for Selflessness (RL7)
G6 - KL6 is subject to pressure for Well-being (RL4)
G5 - KL5 is subject to pressure for Acceptability (RL3)
G4 - KL4 is subject to pressure for Certainty (RL2)
G3 - KL3 is subject to pressure for Performance (RL1)
G2 - KL2 is subject to pressure for Understanding (RL5)
G1 - KL1 is subject to pressure for Autonomy (RL6)

Inspection of the Centre names in various Trees that have been developed with some confidence confirm a specific iD pattern of psychosocial pressures.

  • The Content part of the Tree (KL1-KL4) is again about incorporating pressures from both the Domain and the next higher Domain. However, the Tree-specific psychosocial pressures are now: autonomy (RL6), understanding (RL5), performance (RL1), and certainty (RL2). Taken together, these appear to demand the exercise of responsibility by the person in their social setting.
  • The Context part of the Tree (KL5-KL7) directs energies. The Tree-specific psychosocial pressures are: acceptability (RL3), well-being (RL4), and selflessness (RL7). Taken together these appear to enable integration of the person in their social setting.

This pattern of responsibility subject to integration is identical to that found in the Domain Fundamentals. In this location, it suggests that the Tree may be considered as the [Principal Controller] of the [Primal Means].

ClosedMore on the Dual Domain Influence

See a Summary in this Table:

  Control Vehicle Determinants of the
Primal Need : PH'•CK
Control Effect
Control Field

Internal Duality Centres are Mode Essences promoting the PsySoc Pressure
28 Components KL's = Requirements (Groupings)

[5 Centres]
Named to reflect input
from next higher Domain
via Actualizing Pressures
(RL2-Certainty, RL4-Well-Being, RL3-Acceptability)
Strengthening Effects of the
Psychosocial Pressure

Why?Closed  Because Centres/Essences become the Monads that are combined to form Groupings.
Directing relevant energies 
Integration Pressures
(RL4-Well-being, RL7-Selflessness, RL3-Acceptability)

[4 Centres]
Control of the
Domain's Primal Field (PsH•K)
via Transcending Pressures
(RL7-Selflessness, RL5-Understanding, RL6-Autonomy)

Named identically to context of PH'•CK but subject to
Responsibility Pressures
(RL2-Certainty, RL1-Performance, RL5-Understanding, RL6-Autonomy)
[1 Centre]
Primal Nexus
that grounds functioning
( RL1-Performance Pressure)

Schema for Presentation

The difficulty in naming frameworks is particularly acute in regard to the Control Complexes. Tree names did not flow from the internal duality (as they did in the Domain Fundamentals). In retrospect, some were correctly intuited from the formulations.

Credible and meaningful names only became possible following an appreciation of those psychosocial pressures that manifested as "Root Projections". This has led to a system which will be presented here.

Because this section's goal is naming, I will not be providing formulations or much in the way of explanation of the underlying Levels, Modes, Centres &c. The focus will be squarely on the presentation of names and clarification of psychosocial pressures for all the Domain Controls.

Each of the topics to follow are laid out using these headings:

  • Domain Fundamentals serving the Primal Need
  • Domain Parameters used to generate Names
  • Names for the Domain's Control Complex
  • Brief note on the history of naming in this Domain

I will start with Action-RL1 and, after completing the Primary Domains in order, I will end with the Root Domain.

Originally posted: 24-July-2016. Last updated: 16-Jan-2023.