Review: Naming Domain Controls

Summary of Proposals

This Table represents a risky move in these taxonomic studies. Frameworks are being postulated and names are being proposed without the usual intense literature searches, substantive observations and reasoning. Inevitably some names will need modification and others will be deemed off-target if not misleading.

Domain Control Vehicle Control Effect Control Field
RL7: Willingness Effectiveness Determinants Maintaining
Refreshment of Mastery
Internal Duality Making Selflessness Useful
Controlling Humane Assistance
Directing Mastery Energies
Making Selflessness Useful
RL6: Purpose Governance Determinants Exercising
Legitimation of Politics
Internal Duality Making Autonomy Constructive
Controlling Community Evolution
Directing Communal Energies
Making Autonomy Constructive
RL5: Communic'n Association Determinants Enabling Understanding Contestation of a Shared Reality
Internal Duality Making Understanding Personal
Controlling Vibrant Groups
Directing Group Energies
Making Understanding Personal
RL4: Experience Individuality Determinants Sustaining
Adaptation of a Sense of Self
Internal Duality Making Well-Being Significant
Controlling a Motivated Presence
Directing Personal Energies
Making Well-Being Significant
RL3: Change Depiction Determinants Defending Acceptability Categorization of Discrimination
Internal Duality Making Acceptability Satisfying
Controlling Sustained Development
Directing Social Energies
Making Acceptability Satisfying
RL2: Inquiry Knowledge Determinants Increasing
Evaluation of Conjectures
Internal Duality Making Certainty Consensual
Controlling Scientific Studies
Directing Scientific Energies
Making Certainty Consensual
RL1: Action Achievement Determinants Improving
Expectations of Management
Internal Duality Making Performance Effective
Controlling a Credible Course
Directing Physical Energies
Making Performance Effective
RH: Endeavour Thriving Determinants Ensuring
Resilience of Coping
Internal Duality Energizing Psycho-Social Survival
Controlling Constructive Entanglement
Directing Psychosocial Energies
Energizing Psychosocial Survival


The Spiral-derived Structural Hierarchy could be named «Organising for [Psychosocial Pressure Name]». The naming issue should get resolved when the framework details are fully worked out and validated.

DOMAIN Current Name Possible Name
ACTION Improving Performance Organising for Performance
INQUIRY Increasing Certainty Organising for Certainty
CHANGE Defending Acceptability Organising for Acceptability
EXPERIENCE Sustaining Well-Being Organising for Well-Being
COMMUNICATION Enabling Understanding Organising for Understanding
AUTONOMY Exercising Autonomy Organising for Autonomy
WILLINGNESS Maintaining Selflessness Organising for Selflessness

Conceptual Names vs Natural Names

The extensive discussion about natural names in the Hub remains valid. Only a formula can be precise and unencumbered by common or idiosyncratic associations. The strength of formulae is that they are dead in an emotional sense. That precision works superbly if all the properties and relations, as well as the defining function of the entity, leap to mind. For most of us at this early stage of study, that is an unrealistic expectation.

Conceptual-schema names lie somewhere between formulae and natural names in their ease of use. They are natural language with all those strengths, but they are devised to provide deeper insights and apply very widely.

When a particular framework is relevant in practice, the abstract commonality of that framework with similar frameworks in some utterly different Domain is of no value or interest. The most important thing is to bring the framework alive in the moment with those using it feeling fully comfortable and committed.

Another feature in applying the conceptual schema is that the goal is to reduce all frameworks to «the person in a social setting». Whereas in practice, the goal might be to provide a framework for a school or a business or a society. That context automatically creates a different flavor to terms used. In the various Satellites diverse applications with terminological adjustments have been regularly demonstrated.

Comparison of Internal Dualities

The internal dualities in the Fundamental Triplets gave names to the two Trees. However, naming in the Control Triplets was derived from the recently developed conceptual structure of the Taxonomy.

Similarities in the two Triplets exist insofar as there is again a commonality of names between the Context of the Originating Tree and the Content of the Final Tree.

Perusal of Control Tree Centres in the various Domains has allowed a generalization much as it did in the Fundamental Trees. The two patterns are shown below:

Comparing internal dualities in fundamental trees and in control trees.

Psychosocial pressures also show both similarities and differences in comparison to the Fundamental Triplet.

Differences are found in the originating Tree because the psychosocial pressures correspond with those found in the Spiral (PH'•C), rather than the Domain Vehicle (PH•K).

In the Control Triplet

  • The Context pole (KL7-KL5) responds to RL3-Acceptability, RL4-Well-Being, RL2-Certainty—which seem to be about actualizing the pressure of the next higher Domain.
  • The Content pole (KL4-KL2) responds mainly to:  RL4-Autonomy, RL5-Understanding, RL7-Selflessness—which seem to be about transcending the pressure of the Domain.
  • KL1 (technically part of the Content pole) carries the weight of the Domain with its most direct actualizing pressure:  RL1-Performance. This is the Primal Nexus: where the psychosocial and tangible worlds interact.

Similarities are found in the final Tree of the Control Triplet, because the psychosocial pressures are those found in the Structural Hierarchy which is the same in the two cases.

  • The Content pole has Centres subject to:  RL6-Autonomy, RL5-Understanding, RL1-Performance, RL2-Certainty. Taken together these appear to enable or demand or depend upon the exercise of responsibility.
  • The Context Pole has Centres subject to: RL3-Acceptability, RL4-Well-Being, RL7- Selflessness. These pressures, taken together, appear to enable or support or foster social integration.

The pattern of pressures is summarized in this Table.

Internal Duality Control Vehicle
Originating Tree
Control Field
Final Tree
Context Actualizing pressures
[from next higher Domain]
Integration pressures
Content Transcending pressures
[except KL1 is Actualizing]
Responsibility pressures

Here is a reminder of the Fundamental Triplet pattern:

Internal Duality Domain Vehicle
Originating Tree
Domain Field
Final Tree
Context Transcending pressures Integration pressures
Content Actualizing pressures Responsibility pressures

To repeat: the Control Vehicle is markedly different from the Domain Vehicle

However the Control Field and Primal Field look identical in terms of Centre pressures.

Originally posted: 4-Sep-2016. Last amended: 15-Jan-2023.