Will Domain Controls

Control structures in the Will Domain R


The Will Domain (R) with its endeavours (RH) has two forms of control, both of which stem from the Primal Quests (RH').

The Primal Quests RH'are posted in detail in the Your Better Self Satellite: See details here.

The Ethical Controls deal with humaneness and goodness.

The Endeavour Controls deal with surviving and thriving.

Endeavour Controls

Strengthening Coping(RH'C)

This framework is posted in detail here.

Determinants of Thriving (RH'CHK)

This framework is not yet posted.
See initial formulations below.

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Objective determinants of thriving via centres promoting survival (RH'CHK) Self-centred handling of determinants of thriving via centres promoting survival (RH'CHK)

Ensuring Survival (RH'CsH)

Some preliminary thoughts are shown in the diagrams below.

Requirements, components and states for "Ensuring Survival'' RH'CsH Qualities of internal levels in each of the groupings used for "Ensuring Survival" (RH'CsH)

Resilience in Coping (RH'CsHK)

This framework is not yet posted.
See initial thoughts below.

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Objective requirements for resilience (RH'CsHK) Self-centred handling of the requirements for resilience (RH'CsHK)

Ethical Controls

These frameworks are posted in the Your Better Self Satellite.

Structures for existence emerge from Primal Quests and for betterment from  Primal Injunctions.

Primal Quests (RH') & Planes of Human Existence

The Primal Quests are "purposes of life" and also define Planes of Human Existence: see details here,

Tree of Good and Evil (RH'K)

The Quests/Planes also generate a Tree. See details here.

Primal Injunctions (RH")

This framework is posted in detail here,

Communal Betterment (RH"K)

This Tree is posted in detail here.

This Tree is the basis for Tuckman's framework for group formation. See details here.

As explained, communal betterment must be pursued in a personal fashion, and it has personal betterment as its field. However, it is possible to be self-centred, in which case greater attention is given to social conformity, and less to your personal principles. A suggested model is shown below.

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Objective requirements for communal betterment (RH"K) Self-centred handling of better communal living (RH"K)

Producing Goodness (RsH")

This framework is posted in detail here.

Vices are a form of impurity. It is possible that there is a shadow version of this framework, which specifies the production of vices and might be labelled as a whole Making a Mess of Life. This framework has not been analyzed in detail but is provided below for interest.

Requirements, components and states for "Producing Goodness'' RsH"

Personal Betterment (RsH"K)

This framework is posted in detail here.

Personal betterment is the field on which community betterment functions. It does not appear to be meaningful to speak about a distinctive self-centred form of this framework. However, as with creativity, there is the issue of the requisite handling of another's goodness i.e. dealing with their self, their endeavours, their limitations and their potentials as well as their male and female principles and their responsibility. It is assumed the social-personal poles will be reversed as usual.

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Requirements for personal betterment (RsH"K) Requisite handling of another persson's goodness (RsH"K)

Originally posted: 30-Sep-2024.