Who is in Control?

Looking at where responsibility exists in the seven groupings reveals a difference between the odd-numbered and the even-numbered groupings. This is a typical THEE oscillating duality. The duality here is:

Oscillation between personal affirmation and management specification in the framework of expectations in emploiyment.

Personal affirmation (for the employee)
Management specification (for the organization)

CG1: Work is solely a matter of inner affirmation by the individual employee.
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Review applying determination.

CG2: Authority is a privilege or power that management specifies and assigns.
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Review exerting authority.

CG3: Results depend on how each individual construes the situation and their personal resourcefulness.
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Review delivering results .

CG4: Assessments are for management to specify precisely, to organize and to conduct.
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Review making assessments.

CG5: Flexibility is offered and affirmed by a person: whether as part of management or as an employee. It is a matter of psychological make-up mixed up with personal interests and values in relation to the situation.
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Review offering flexibility.

CG6: Commitment is a function of management specification because management sets the organizational policies and rules to which employees must submit and commit.
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Review showing commitment.

CG7: Incentives of the organization are a matter for individual employees to evaluate and accept or reject.
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► Do you sit in your comfort zone at work or are you ambitious for new vistas? That is another duality worth exploring.

Originally posted: 11-Nov-2011