Rising to Challenges

THEE Note: Work is psychosocial because it always comprises:
■ mental work as a private inner experience, and
■ work output as a sharable public event.
However, employees are paid for their output, not for their mental processes.
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The main personal concern should be that work will be a positive and gratifying experience: i.e. a creative act—even if that term is not used routinely. Creativity depends on regarding each of the elemental means of achieving as a genuine challenge. Challenges do not exist in objective reality: they require a person to «see» them.

Doing work involves 7 challenges that are the primary expectations placed on employees.

The elemental «means of achievement», the monadic groups (CG1), naturally lend themselves to evoking challenges.

Challenges contain two components:

Rational — as might be perceived by anyone: what exactly is the objective nature and substance of the work.
Socio-emotional — which will be different for each of us: what is experienced as personally difficult about the challenge.

This analysis starts at CG11 where pressures are most immediate and direct.

ClosedCG11: The challenge in taking action.

Relevant virtue: Prudence.

ClosedCG12: The challenge in being accountable.

Relevant virtue: Perspicacity.

ClosedCG13: The challenge in gripping issues.

Relevant virtue: Tact.

ClosedCG14: The challenge in setting directions.

Relevant virtue: Steadfastness

ClosedCG15: The challenge in using information.

Relevant virtue: Objectivity.

ClosedCG16: The challenge in channeling aspirations.

Relevant virtue: Authenticity.

ClosedCG17: The challenge in evolving a mindset.

Relevant virtue: Awareness.

Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011