Why Promising & Imposing are so Popular

Promising and imposing are popular because they seem so easy. But they are certainly not easy instruments to handle well.

Promising and imposes relate to mindsets and aspirations.

Inducing compliance may occur between any two employees irrespective of status or hierarchy. Although the word «formal» is used to describe the upper Level, there is nothing legally-binding, and sometimes not even a written statement. So why does anyone allow themselves to accept imposition or to be influenced by promises?

This instrument depends on the overall credibility of the imposer or promiser. In any particular case that in turn depends on the influencer being convincing and the receiver being convinced. That requires personal interaction and regular conversations amongst co-workers who get to know each other well i.e. it is a matter of communication-PH6 generally, and the specific way of using language-PH'6.

ClosedSee the Typology

Imposition and promises operate best amongst an in-group that creates its own psychosocial reality—a comfortable environment that can be assumed, understood, and accepted as natural and meaningful. Language is used in a familiar and informal («connoting») way because there is enough trust and certainty amongst the group that what is said will be properly understood. It follows that outsiders would be unlikely to fully grasp what is meant. People naturally tend to bond to some degree within such groups. This type of in-group language use is named in THEE: associative-PH'5L2.

Associative language is available to more or less everyone—and is, in any case, a characteristic language type for most employees.

ClosedImpositions from HQ are Tricky

Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011. Updated: 15 August 2023.