Divergent Interests

Despite the tensions that are intrinsic to employment relationships, both management and employees share at least one goal: workable integration. They also share a concern that the compact offers sufficient satisfaction to both sides.

Of course, the nature of integration and the logic of satisfaction differ sharply between management and employees. That is why each relationship requires separate consideration. The diagram at right gives a premonitory idea of just how different the perspectives are. The details will be covered in Topics that follow.

Comparison of the hierarchy of being employed and the hierarchy of handling employees.

The Management

The Management must be deeply concerned with organizational performance.

Performance, in turn, depends on management of employees. Everything—strategy, marketing, innovation, efficiency, even management itself—emerges from work performed by employees. So management is preoccupied with both the work to be done and the employees doing that work, each and all.

For Management, the Tree framework can be built up as follows:

Integrating employees within the organization—via intra-level Channels
Providing management of every employee—via inter-level Channels
Strengthening management of every employee—via Channels that bypass one level

There is also one channel that crosses more than 2 levels. It is about reviewing the compact that binds the organization to each employee.

► You are now ready to explore the Tree framework of handling employment for the organization.

The Employee

As an employee, you know that you are there to work, but of equal or greater concern is your position, broadly conceived, within the employing organization. ClosedWhy?

Your position is one of being employed. Having taken the plunge and become employed, your primary concern is to to stay employed, but only as long as you are satisfied that this is overall in your best interests.

For an employee, the Tree framework can be built up as follows: 

Your integration within the organization—via intra-level Channels
Developing your position in the organization—via inter-level Channels
Strengthening your position in the organization—via Channels that bypass one level

► There is also one channel that crosses more than 2 levels  and it is about You are now ready to explore the Tree framework for: being employed.


There is no correct order for looking at these two frameworks. Each is initially worked through analytically and systematically, starting here.

If you prefer, go direct to the complete (but provisional) frameworks for handling employment for the organization (Management) and for handling being employed by the organization (Employees).
Each framework offers different insights and applications.

The two frameworks are then directly compared.

Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011