Body States: An X-Axis Alternative?

The Proposition

The converse or complement for «handling mental states» (Y-axis) might be «handling body states».

It is surely reasonable to regard mental stabilization as dependent on how the body functions. This depends, at least in good part, on the attention it is given and how it is treated. In addition, failure of stabilization does commonly result in bodily symptoms or actual physical illness.

However, It seems unlikely that the X-axis, which specifies the desired or required social output, is a focus on body states. This seems just too distant from endeavour-RH whose main concern is surely that body issues should not interfere.

Nevertheless, the X-axis zones defined in regard to handling others also appear to correspond to ways in which a person handles their body.

In the lower half, it is not certain that the body will function well if left to itself, and the method leads to a desire for bodily control

  • to master or to protect.

In the upper half, it is taken for granted that the body is functioning well, and the method leads to taking advantage of the body:

  • for pleasure or for understanding.

The Zones

Zones on the X-axis that relate to management of the body.

Dissociation ZoneVital & Transpersonal.

In both these methods, there is an emphasis on a sophisticated control of the body, musculature and viscera.

This is self-evident in regard to the Vital method. Here, concentration and discipline are used to exercise and tone the body, both via the musculo-skeletal system and also visceral systems (e.g. sleep, diet).

In the Transpersonal method, one finds bodily techniques that directly emphasize mastery like yoga. However, another feature shared by all varieties is the requirement to meditate. Meditation focuses on correct posture, stillness, and concentration. The aim may be to control the mind or dissolve the self, but the path requires mastering the body, including its aches and illnesses.

Zone NameBody Mastery

Association ZoneSocial & Individual.

In both these methods, there is a marked emphasis on the health of the body. This includes concerns to protect it, to prevent unnecessary illness, and to effectively treat accidents and illnesses.

In the Social method, physical well-being is recognized as essential to pursue projects and to participate in groups. The management of sickness or disability and death is a major preoccupation of wider society and the culture.

In the Individual method, experiencing good personal health and possessing a normal attractive body are key components of self-esteem and social acceptance. The body is also an expression of individuality, while becoming ill is an obvious disrupter of personal achievement. So intense bodily concerns, even hypochondriacal at times, are natural, and plastic surgery is valued.

Zone NameBody Concerns

Engagement Zone:  Emotional-sensitive & Sensory

In both these methods, there is a desire to use the body for pleasure.

In the Emotional-sensitive method, the most direct pleasure is sexual, but other pleasurable feelings have enjoyable body components too: e.g. tingling of excitement, tears of reunion, flush of gratitude, beating heart of anticipation, the warm glow of love.

In the Sensory method, stimulation and pleasurable sensations seem to be just as important as the regular positive social contacts. Get-togethers and social events are typically set up to enable simultaneous bodily pleasures like eating, drinking, walking, dancing &c.

Zone NameBody Pleasures

Involvement Zone:  Emotional-empathic & Relational

In both these methods, the body becomes a resource for information relevant to understanding oneself or another.

In the Emotional-empathic method, there is a continuing scanning of one's own body and the body of the other in order to enable a satisfactory understanding of the other's emotional condition. The body has a certain wisdom and its states and changes are messages, part genetic part cultural, that can be decoded. For example, a person will be receptive to phenomena like eye-contact, body positioning and stiffening, facial movements, hand gestures, a burst of coughing, slips of the tongue, sudden loss of balance &c. Accidents and illnesses may also be given meaning.

In the Relational method, there is a similar automatic sensitivity and a readiness to decode meanings from the condition of the body. However, this is used to manage the interactions and channel the relationship in a mutually gratifying direction and away from inappropriate expectations or unnecessary discord.

Zone NameBody Wisdom


This zonal association appears to be robust. However, it does not directly encourage a re-naming of the X-axis.

Naturally, as part of a well-rounded existence, everyone should appreciate body messages, get body pleasures, look after their health, and even master their bodies. And whatever your method, unless you are neurotic in some way, you do not welcome accidents or illnesses.

However, each zone points to distinctive proclivities and offers warnings. Some methods, through intensely focusing on ensuring stabilization, can paradoxically distract from what is required for a full life.

An issue (considered separately) is the finding that destabilization is commonly associated with accidents, physical symptoms and illness. It seems that, after all, we are our bodies.

  • Back to Review for more suggestions.

Originally posted:  17-Nov-2014. Last updated:  1-Dec-2014.