
Differentiation and Integration

The work-to-be-done needs to be differentiated in order for duties to be formulated and assigned. However, this differentiation must be managed. The Structural Hierarchy provides for progressive integration as shown in the Table below. The Table can be read either from bottom up or top down.

G What is Organised Function Manifestation
G7 Enable
commitment voluntarily
For everyone to be identified with the values of the organization. 1 Condition of Membership
G6 Expect
For staff to lead and follow management requirements in accord with their position. 2 Norms of Consent
G5 Determine
goals realistically
For functional structures to mesh and produce desired achievements. 3 Domains of Ambition
G4 Design
For work areas to be demarcated, owned and expertly handled. 4 Types of Function
G3 Drive
improvement systematically
For changes to occur without disrupting operations and existing initiatives. 5 Pressures of Coevolution
G2 Ensure
For both the overall view and particular details to influence the handling of situations. 6 Foci of Dialogue
G1 Assign
duties prescriptively
For clarity to be shared about the exact nature of the work that has to be done. 7 Levels of Responsibility(Monads)

Commitment to the work-to-be-done for the mission (G7), which is the ultimate foundation for all organisation and management, calls for recognition of a basic equality amongst staff.

This work-to-be-done must be differentiated by THEE work-levels so as to clarify and distinguish duties (G1): despite the inevitable loss of equality. Once this occurs, progressive integration becomes essential. It is first necessary to establish viable machinery for regular oversight (G2) with cooperative dialogue. Then improvement (G3) must be driven in ways that minimize disruption. Ensuring competence in all roles requires the comprehensive identification and management of functions (G4) including general management. Finally, goals (G5) need to be determined in accord with ambitions.

The whole system depends on motivation that is natural and expressed via leading and following (G6), and a personal commitment (G7) that requires active facilitation. 

See full graphic layout below.

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Structural hierarchy of organizational levels revealing management work-to-be-done.


There is a structural coherence revealed by the set of all possible adjacent groupings, each of which depends on the others. This reduces, possibly resolves, the uncertainty in earlier research about the number of levels of work possible in an organization. Coherence is further evidence by considering the qualifiers. Each qualifier not only characterizes the Grouping as a whole, but also provides details of the gradation of responsibilities within each Group in that Grouping.

See details below.
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Qualities of levels in the groups within the groupings of levels of work.

The design of work and its organisation needs to be analysed and understood quite separately from issues of performance and achievement. See a comparison here.


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Originally posted: 26-Mar-2014