Oscillating Truth Quality

ClosedTHEE Note

Levels of work in societal institutions oscillate between intrinsic-given and extrinsic-imposed.

There does appear to be an odd-even duality that may be labeled:
intrinsic vs extrinsic:

  • Odd levels can be labeled intrinsic, meaning the work-focus is given or revealed by the institution.
  • Even levels can be labeled extrinsic, meaning the work-focus is imposed on or assumed about the institution.

L1 Interests are intrinsic: because they flow from a shared experience of human needs around which the institution forms.

L2 Remedies are extrinsic: being imposed on the institution as it appears to be functioning to a particular person or group or from a particular perspective.

L3 Analyses are intrinsic: because they involve investigation of current functioning of the institution and obtaining relevant information.

L4 Narratives are extrinsic:  being imposed on the situation to simplify its inherent complexity and gain support for political choices.

L5 Statistics are intrinsic: because they are measures and accounts from within the institution about its functioning and structures.

L6 Perspectives are extrinsic: being about factional conceptions imposed on institutional issues and diverse approaches to development.

L7 Transparency is intrinsic: because it refers to publicizing some aspect of the functioning of the institution.

This duality generates an apparent oscillation in regard to the truth quality of communications:

Intrinsic levels need transparency and seek truth.
Extrinsic levels are superficial and ready to manipulate what is known.


L1-interests are inherently genuine.
L3-issues are developed with a concern for validity.
L5-statistics are expected to be accurate and valid.
L7-transparency uses compulsion to get to the truth.


L2-remedies may be convenient, self-serving and avoid known complexity.
L4-narratives seek popular support and often protect the powerful.
L6-perspectives are held as a matter of committed or expedient belief.

It is perhaps not surprising, the intrinsic-odd levels turn out to be complicated and difficult to comprehend or master, while the extrinsic-even levels are simplified, obvious, and lend themselves to repetition and slogans.

Continue to check for validation:

Originally posted: 19-Nov-2022. Latest update: 30-Jun-2023