Affinities and Antagonisms

The TET just developed showed the usual positioning of Types/Levels with the usual 4 quadrants and 2 concentric circles as the basis for revealing affinities and antagonisms between activities.

Concentric Circles

Work falls on concentric circles with the inner involving social accounts and the outer reveal personal confidence in those accounts.

The inner circle (= L1-L4) consists of ways of impacting an institution that depend on using Universal language. All these levels present accounts that describe some part of the institution. They appear to indicate the state of play, even as they seek to influence values in play.

The outer circle (= L5-L7) consists of ways of impacting an institution that depend on using Gestalt language. These levels tap into a person's awareness and hence articulate or shape beliefs about the institution. So these offer a degree of personal confidence in relation to any account.

The two circles link with each other, with the inner circle entity looking to the outer circle entity in its quadrant for confidence in its account. Moving clockwise from L1/t1, it is appears that:

  • Being in the public interest boosts (or reduces) confidence in claims of promoted interests.
  • Highlighted statistics-L5 can give (or remove) confidence in proposed remedies-L2.
  • Challenging particular perspectives-L6 can give (or reduce) confidence in the results of analyses-L3.
  • Transparency-L7 can boost (or damage) confidence in a popular narrative-L4.

Four Quadrants

The two types within a quadrant appear to show a commonality in regard to the work done as follows:

Lower Right contains the Drivers.

Interests drive the institution and tend to generate tensions within society:  vested interests because they typically do not reflect the public interest that benefits all, and the public interest because it typically challenges society's power structure as revealed by the promotion of vested interests.

Moving from promoted interests to the public interest increases the social significance of assertions regarding desirable changes, potentially generating benefit for all.

In authoritarian societies:Closed the only interests that count are those of the leaders and their cronies. The public interest is an empty phrase used to justify any choice, and stability is the catch-cry to justify avoidance of change.

Lower Left contains the Mobilizers.

Work levels in societal institutions reduce or generate tension and quadrants reveal different types of activity.

Remedies mobilizepeople, especially if discussions reveal that widely-held values are being flouted, or obvious responses or regulations for a blatant dysfunction are being ignored.

Statistics mobilizepeople, especially when selected to be shocking. The effect is greatest when the disturbing numbers were previously unknown or, more disturbingly, kept hidden. The presentation of statistics can allow deficits and defects to be appreciated independently of specific complaints or solutions.

These activities generate tension in society even as they provide an outlet for concerns. Moving from remedies to statistics can boost conviction in the views presented.

In authoritarian societies:Closedarguments based on values and activation of concerns are not wanted. Criticism is directly suppressed and statistics are manipulated, falsified or hidden. Propaganda tells people what to know.

Upper Left contains the Assessors.

Analyses are required to penetrate topical issues of public concern. They seek to determine the underlying factors and principles that explain the presence of institutional defects and deficits. Changes that are practical and likely to work call for such careful investigation.

Perspectives generate divergent analyses. Diverse assessments of the institutional problem emerge due differences in what is emphasized, ideological assumptions and the selection of statistics.

These activities provide an important outlet for disagreement and discontent and therefore reduce tensions in society. Moving from analysing issues to challenging perspectives allows for increased coverage of any issue leading to a broader variety of implications for potential futures.

In authoritarian societies:Closed investigations are blocked and challenges to official versions of issues are controlled. Publications are censored and statistics doctored. Elites debate behind closed doors so as to present a united front telling the public what to think.

Upper Right contains the Controllers.

Narratives control by influencing how people think about the institutional matter at hand, and by setting an orientation or direction for any change (or avoidance of change). Any narrative is crafted to frame issues in a way that generates well-being and reduces tensions. However, because narratives are propounded by society's leaders, they may deftly serve powerful vested interests.

Transparency controls constructively through fostering access to relevant documents and evidence, exposing key actors, and hearing from affected people directly. Demands for transparency can reduce tensions, even when they are rejected. When demands are acceded to tensions are greatly reduced.

Moving from narratives to transparency ensures there is a realism that allows narratives to be assessed.

In authoritarian societies:Closedthere is neither transparency nor multiple narratives, because the regime implements full control over all narratives and maintains high levels of secrecy.

Quadrant Antagonism

Diagonally opposing quadrants in a TET typically show real life antagonism. That TET feature possibly applies here.

UL v LR:  Journalists, academics and officials in the Assessors quadrant typically confront the vested interests in the Drivers quadrant. Vested interests commonly attack and seek to discredit analysts or activists who reveal unflattering behaviours.

LL v UR: Activities in the Activators quadrant are typically unsympathetic to activities in the Controllers quadrant. Confrontations may occur with the current popular narrative. Transparency demands may also be criticized as futile because they are so easily ignored.


With the quadrant labels in mind, significant differences may be appreciated by bi-secting the TET as follows:

Upper v Lower

The lower half contains those whose knowledge is limited to their specific interests and concerns and who actively publicize on behalf of interest groups or the general public.

The upper half contains those with considerable knowledge of the institution without necessarily being employed in service delivery. As it is impossible to grasp the totality of any institution, they are specialists.

Right v Left

The left half contains those who are concerned to describe the condition and problems of the institution.

The right half contains those who are concerned to maintain or adjust the institutions direction.

Societal institutions have specialists and publicists.   Work levels in societal institutions either offer problematc descriptions or deliberate directions.

The above patterns broadly support the case for taxonomic validity. There is now one final duality that is expected to be meaningful.

Originally posted: 19-Nov-2022. Latest update: 30-Jun-2023