Seek Receptivity: G2

6 dyads in which forms of pressure are used to seek receptivity about issues in the institutions.


For activism-G1 to persist and have influence, it is essential that it strikes some chord in wider society. So all who work to impact on societal institutions seek receptivity by the public. This appears to be provided by combining adjacent levels , the next higher level adding the quality of being convincing to to g1-fervour.

Receptivity is a response to the generation of social pressure.

The dyads reveal different forms of pressure within the institution:

  • In the lower 2 dyads, the focus is more specific and immediate—via targeted advocacy and practical proposals.
  • In the middle 2 dyads, the focus is on an overall picture—via explanations of issuesand illustrations of disturbances.
  • In the upper 2 dyads, the focus is more controversial and exposing—generating questions and surprises.

Forms of Pressure

Advocacy combines L1 and L2:

G21 is advocacy of desirable options, at least desirable for those whose interests-G1 are at last being fervently served, and potentially viewed similarly by others if the G2-remedies discussed are convincing enough.

Desirable options depend on Levels 1 and 2.

Proposals combine L2 and L3:

G22 are more balanced proposals, which can be called reasonable propositions. Still, the remedies-G2 are fervently presented, and likely to be viewed positively by others if the G3-analyses of controversial issues are convincing enough.

Reasonable propositions depend on Levels 2 and 3.

Explanations combine L3 and L4:

G23 is the formation of defensible accounts that are created to serve as an explanation for a current situation or crisis. The G3-analysis offered is fervently defended, and will likely be accepted or even viewed sympathetically by others if the G4-alternative narrative is convincing.

Defensible accounts depend on Levels 3 and 4.

Illustrations combine L4 and L5:

G24 is an illustration of the undeniable condition of the institution, based on constructing a narrative-G4 that is fervently promoted, and justified using G5-selected statistics that are convincing.

Undeniable consitions depend on Levels 4 and 5.

Questions combine L5 and L6:

G25 generates questions by creating alternative interpretations that force attention on G5-selected statistics with fervour, and do so in a way that makes for a convincing challenge to perspectives-L6.

Alternative interpretations depend on Levels 5 and 6.

Surprises combine L6 and L7:

G26 produces surprises in the form of a contentious exposé based on fervent challenges to damaging perspectives-G6, while demanding transparency-G7 convincingly.

Contentious expose depend on Levels 6 and 7.



To enable accounts for the public that integrate a meaningful picture with a specific justification .

Quality: Convincing i.e. ensuring that beliefs give strength to any suggestion or proposition related to the institution.

Integration within the Group:  Situations are examined and described in ways that justify a particular account..

Integration across the Groups: Progression of articulation from specific and pressing, through descriptive, to being exposing and awakening.

Psychological Correlate: Making sense of an institutional matter despite the potential for disagreement with others.

Institutional Tension: Formation of factions, often class-based or generational, that subject the institution to scrutiny and exposure, both fair and unfair.

Practical Implications: The public becomes aware of institutional issues that require addressing.


The 6 G2 groups appear as concerns that are widely enough appreciated that they can persist in society. Each of the accounts is a stand-alone matter that may hold the public's attention and provide fodder for the media. However, on their own, they are unlikely to bring about any change.

Some sort of consolidation and systematization is required to generate a socially-significant phenomenon which can be disseminated to generate an impact.

This appears to be possible by the addition of a third level to form G3-triads, each of which develops a stance towards an institutional condition.

Originally posted: 18-Mar-2024.