Offer Scenarios: G4

Any Scenarios can only be provided by incorporating a suitable .
may be disseminated, but unless there is a in its application to the particular institution, the effect will be very limited. Stances are just too partial to gain general consent. What people need are that picture the institution's development.Adding an extra level to form tetrads, ensures presence of . The diagram at right shows highlighted as the one common level in the 4 tetrads.
All political players are cognizant of the importance of skill.
being propagated in society, and the way its quality varies with the tetrad. These tetrads reveal different approaches to , with success dependent on- Politicians, business leaders or their consortia are primarily concerned to be skillful in creating a that leads to their own being promoted.
» This results in of an institution. - Experts skillfully draw on comparative , and are primarily concerned to ensure their is thoughtful.
» This results in of an institution. - Ideologists and intellectuals regard skillfully use these to develop a that is convincing within their preferred paradigm.
» This results in of an institution.
as primary, and - Finally, there are the those making skillful so as to be maximally realistic so as to ultimately permit the fervent propagation of a truthful .
» This results in in for an institution.
These four views will now be taken in turn.
Vehicles of Consent
Idealized Framework (G44)
thoughtfully and are skillfully driven by a which is fought by vested interests, commonly including the government. The framework fervently posits a and convincingly that prove the case.
These frameworks
Problem: Idealized frameworks are typically blind to cultural custom and conventional practices.
Ideological Account (G43)
skillfully mount a challenge to current deemed misleading and harmful. This depends on a fervent buttressed by thoughtful use of and a convincing .
mustThese accounts are typically used in a battle against non-ideological expert assessments which would cause disadvantage to a powerful interest-group.
Problem: Ideological accounts are blind to inconvenient facts.
Expert Assessment(G42)
fervent about that will or won't work, based on a convincing . They skillfully use and develop thoughtful .
areThese knowledgeable and often detailed assessments are provided as an act of public service, as an academic exercise, or they may be commissioned by a government.
Problem: Experts are either manipulated by the powerful players or disconnected from them and simply ignored. Years later they may well be proved correct.
Populist Picture (G41)
skilfully driven by a , and fervently claim to . They convincingly claimed to be practical, and thoughtfully .
areThese simplified pictures are used to whip up an emotional state that interferes with rational considerations.
Problem: Appears to be rational and simple, but the narrative is often self-serving and supported by analyses that are flawed, partial, biased or outright dishonest.
To provide a scenario of the future progress of the institution that is likely to command widespread consent.
Quality: Skillful i.e. by activating relevant values and beliefs in a way that is likely to have public appeal.
Integration within the Group: Each scenario is sustained by its choice of
, although this is handled differently for each group.Integration across the Groups:A common narrative can provide for the maximum possible integration.
Psychological Correlate: Preference fora particular approach to scenario-building must also tolerate limitations and imperfections.
Institutional Tension: Anger and frustration based on deficiencies or limitations of the offered scenarios.
Practical Implications: The timing and degree of urgency of needed evolution is revealed.
While all these
of an institution are devised so as to , none have universal appeal. There can be both strong support and intense opposition. As a result, there is a need for these differences to be exposed and debated.This can be provided by adding a 5th level to create pentads which are designed to expose the issues in public fora.
- Continue with the Debate-G5 Pentads.
- Go to the review section to see the full picture in more detail.
Originally posted: 18-Mar-2024