Project Recovery: Tree of PH'1Q


Tree pattern of arenas of associating assuming Q number is a level number.

As we found in the initial investigation of PH'5Q-Association Arenas and confirmed with PH'2Q-Knowing Arenas , PH'4Q-Individualizing Arenas, and PH'6Q-Governing Arenas, the 7 Q Arenas form a Tree with Centres that are meaningfully arranged and appear to reflect a psychosocial reality. Mouse-over thumbnail to review the PH'5Q pattern.


Tree pattern of arenas of achieving assuming Q number is a level number.

The Q-benefits sought in society via PH'1Q-achievement arenas can provide the basics for successful recovery of a problematic project. The Tree looks like this:

This Tree pattern makes good sense.

Dynamic Duality

Polarization can be identified at the expected levels:

  • L3: Q3-Viability may flow from personal efforts L3P or from the management system L3S. When a situation is serious and urgent, the personal is more powerful and effective than the bureaucracy.
  • L5: Q5-Strategy may be about particular rolesL5P or it may focus on organisationally-required projects L5S. The latter should always dominate.
  • L6: Q6-Accountability is about obedience within the managerial hierarchy L6P even if a person would prefer to be focused on adherence to the mission L6S. The former needs to dominate.

In all three polarized levels, there is a bi-directional influence between the two Centres with the usual pattern of dominance at each level.

The remaining Centres Q1, Q2, Q4, Q7 appear to be balanced.

Q's and Levels

When a project is in trouble, everyone focuses on the need for Q1-improvement as defined by critical goals. This touchstone is appropriately positioned at L1. L7/Q7-motivationand L6/Q6-accountability are the abstract inner-psychological and external-social arenas that are drive and control whatever is done. These arenas reciprocally influence Q5/L5-strategy and Q4/L4-cohesion, which are the practical and psychosocial arenas. L4/Q4-cohesion lies at the heart of the structure because if everyone does not pull together then success is unlikely. Cohesion has bi-directional influences with L5/Q5-strategy, L3/Q3-viability and L2/Q2-effectiveness, as well as directly interacting with Q7/L7-motivation. Q4-cohesion does not itself generate Q1-progress: but it enables L2/Q2-effectiveness and problem -solving.

There are likely important implications to be drawn from the channels that are not permitted, but this awaits deeper study.

Internal Duality

  • The Centres and Channels in the L1-L4 Content section use achievingto maintain the project in the face of stresses, with the actualization pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures.
  • the Centres and Channels in the L5-L7 Context section use achievingto review and accelerate project progress, with the transcendence pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures

Taken together, this supports naming PH'4QK: Determinants of Project Recovery.

  • Proceed to the Tree formed by PH'6Q-Governing Arenas
  • A deeper look illuminates other relationships amongst the Arenas, and even suggests another possibility for a Tree: check it out here.

Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022