Societal Stability: Tree of PH'6Q


Tree pattern of arenas of associating assuming Q number is a level number.

As we found in the initial investigation of PH'5Q-Association Arenas and confirmed with PH'2Q-Knowing Arenas and PH'4-Individualizing Arenas, the 7 Q Arenas form a Tree with Centres that are meaningfully arranged and appear to reflect a psychosocial reality. Mouse-over thumbnail to review the PH'5Q pattern.


Tree pattern of arenas of governing assuming Q number is a level number.

The Q-benefits sought in society via PH'6Q-governance arenas can provide the basics for societal stability. The Tree looks like this:

This Tree pattern makes good sense.

Dynamic Duality

Polarization can be identified at the expected levels:

  • L3: Q3-Harmony may be either an issue locally L3P or more widely in society L3S. The local condition is more pressing and influential.
  • L5: Q5-security may be about personal threats L5P or it may be about dangers facing society-as-a-whole L5S. Whole of society threats take precedence of over personal worries.
  • L6: Q6-morality may be a matter for minority sub-groupsL6P or it may be based in wider society L6S. The culture-based morality is the dominant force.

In all three polarized levels, there is a bi-directional influence between the two Centres with the usual pattern of dominance at each level.

The remaining Centres Q1, Q2, Q4, Q7 appear to be balanced.

Q's and Levels

Benefits and stability are primarily founded on Q1-social progress which is appropriately positioned at L1. Q7-liberty and Q6-morality are the abstract high level arenas located at L7 and L6. These arenas will reciprocally influence Q5/L5-Security and Q4/L4-Prosperity. L4/Q4-Prosperity lies at the heart of the structure with bi-directional influences to L5/Q5-Security, L3/Q3-Harmony and L2/Q2-Leadership, as well as directly interacting with Q7/L7-Liberty. Q4-Prosperity may lead to Q1-Social Progress: but this must be mediated either by Q2-Leadership or by a Q3-Harmony in society.

There are likely important implications to be drawn from the channels that are not permitted, but this awaits deeper study.

Internal Duality

  • The Centres and Channels in the L1-L4 Content section use governing for pursuit of societal development with the actualization pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures.
  • the Centres and Channels in the L5-L7 Context section use governing to set cultural boundaries, with the transcendence pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures

Taken together, this supports naming PH'4QK: Determinants of Societal Stability.

Given that a Tree has formed in the Q-expansion, it is likely that the Arenas-as-Levels will show an oscillating duality

  • Now investigate for Oscillating Dualities.
  • A deeper look illuminates an other set of relationships amongst the Arenas, check it out here.

Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022