Pairing Arenas in PH'6Q

The Story So Far

We can now consider PH'6Q-Governing arenas, which deal with person-group interactions and states.

It appears from PH'5Q-Associating Arenas that there are 3 natural pairs of Arenas plus an 7th Arena that operates in a diffuse mode. Initial investigations in PH'2Q-Knowing arenas and PH'4Q-Individualizing arenas are broadly confirmatory, although not fully persuasive.

This investigation of PH'6-Governing Arenas again starts with the assumption that the closely related pairs in this Domain will be identical to those discovered in PH'5Q as follows:

  • Q5 & Q3
  • Q7 & Q2
  • Q4 & Q1
  • Q6 alone.

I will also assume that the TET layout is identical.

As in PH'2Q, alternatives will be considered to the pairing and the quadrant layout.


Q5-Security & Q3-Harmony.

These seem to go together in that there can be no security when dysharmony reins and harmony is affected if security is threatened.

Q3-Harmony is more immediate and social, so likely to be central.

Arenas of governing assuming they can be plotted via an X-axis and Y-axis.


Alternate pairing of Q5: 
Q5-Security could possibly pair with Q4-Prosperity or even Q2-Leadership.

Alternate pairing of Q3: 
Q3-Harmony does not seem to have another obvious pairing.

Q7-Liberty & Q2-Leadership

These could provide each other with powerful support in the sense that a free society depends on a leadership that is not authoritarian. Leadership is more effective if those being led are free to follow.

Q2-Leadership seems more social and tangible, and therefore central.


Alternate pairing of Q7:
Q7-Liberty might pair with Q4-Prosperty, but there seems no strong link with any of the others.

Alternate pairing of Q2:
Q2-Leadership might perhaps pair with Q1-Progress, but probably not with other Arenas.

Q1-Progress & Q4-Prosperity

Q1-Prospering is associated with Q4-Progress because that change dynamic generates opportunities. Similarly when people prosper, it is easier to generate social progress.

Q1-Progress is more certain and social, and so is placed centrally.


Alternate pairing of Q4:
Q4-Prosperity might pair with Q5-Security or Q7-Liberty as suggested above, but there seems no strong link with any of the others.

Alternate pairing of Q1:
Q1-Progress might perhaps pair with Q2-Leadership, but probably not with other Arenas.

Q6-Morality is the singleton which extends from a local in-group morality to a wider socio-cultural morality.


Having established the pairings and accepted the same extreme-central patterns, it seems reasonable to assume a similar location of the Arena pairs on the TET quadrants (as shown in the diagram above). However, we need to specify the axes.

Arenas of governing plotted against control over the individual (X-axis) and stabilizing the economy (Y-axis)

As always, the axes define the psychosocial field or context within which the plotted arenas operate. In the case of the PH'6Q-Individualizing Arenas, this could be stated as:

«People hope that governing will generate benefits in aspects of society that are politically significant.»

The X-axis output could then be the social control over the individual with Arenas varying in the degree of control that is intrinsically demanded.

Q7-Liberty and Q4-Prosperity require the minimum amount of control.

Q2-Leadership and Q1-Progress demand some small amount of control. 

Q3-Harmony is only possible if there is significant control over the individual, while Q5-Security demands the maximum amount of control.

Q6-Morality insists on significant control, slightly less so for personal virtual and maximum for cultural convention.

The Y-axis input could be about the economic context for any benefit, with Arenas varying in what effect they have on stabilizing the economy.

Q7-Liberty has little effect.

Q6-Morality as cultural convention pays no attention.

Q2-Leadership gives some attention to the economy, just as Q6-Morality in the form of personal virtue.

Q1-Progress is strongly oriented to the economy. Q3-Harmony similarly stabilizes the economy.

Q1-Prosperity and Q5-Security are particularly dependent on the economy.

Continue to PH'1Q-Achieving Arenas.

Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022