Naming the Change-PH3 Fundamentals


The Primary Hierarchy of Change (PH3) was finally formulated in association with studies of the reversal of oscillating dualities. The Primary Hierarchy Tree (PH3K) was not investigated until later when verbs were developed in association with investigation of the Root projection.

This is the current formulation (as amended April-2024)

L PH3: Change
7 Envisage Transformation
6 Standardize Representation
5 Organise Adaptation
4 Ensure Sustenance
3 Determine Improvement
2 Specify Alteration
1 Introduce Variation

The Structural Hierarchy (PsH3) has been provisionally developed as part of the present investigation of the Root projection to Structural Hierarchies.

The Two Trees

These Trees have been provisionally developed as shown here, but are not yet posted or published with explanations.

Click on thumbnails to see provisional Tree Centres and Channels.


Pattern of centres and channels when the Primary Hierarchy of Change is operated.

This Tree has been investigated and formulated specifically for the present analysis. Its most noticeable feature is the centrality of sustenance-L4.

The lower 4 levels appear to enable or affect shift in the system, which constitutes a stage. Any stage is inherently sustained-L4 or it would not continue to exist. However it represents variations-L1 and new alterations-L2, and as part of an endeavour it needs to show improvement-L3 or it would not be pursued.

The upper 3 levels are state-oriented and concerned with ensuring that the existing or new stability is maintained as desired. Adaptations-L5 provide continuity by accommodating stresses within and without; representations-L6 control structure and process; and transformation-L7 provides for the ideal future.

This suggests that Requirements for a «Definitive Stage» could be a reasonable name, one that captures its function. The Tree provides for staging as the basic focus; and then provides a ratchet effect to prevent back-sliding. (Of course, in practice, a stage may not be definitive—but that is precisely what the Tree can help clarify and manage.)


Pattern of centres and channels when the Structural Hierarchy of Change is operated as a whole.

The Structural Hierarchy-PsH3 has only been formulated in a most preliminary fashion and it certainly has many errors. It is provisionally named Changing Systems, and contains 28 components used naturally in bringing about change. As usual, all of PH3K occurs in every Grouping.

The Structural Hierarchy Tree (PsH3K), also not yet published or posted and extremely tentative, suggests that:

  • the Centres and Channels in the G1-G4 Content section are entities and processes required to ensure progress occurs.
  • the Centres and Channels in the G5-G7 Context section are entities and processes that support that progress.

The necessary Tree name must reveal that potentials relevant to a state should guide and depend on the establishment of a better state. This suggests that Requirements for a «Sustained Development» might be an appropriate capture of the function. Just as in the other domains, not all development is sustained—failure and backsliding is common and this Tree helps clarify why.


Considering these two Trees together, it is evident that a Sustained Development (PsH3K) is the field within which Definitive Stages (PH3K) are foci for the process. The effect over time is to Change a System (PsH3), which depends on many component factors.

  A Definitive
  A Sustained Development
Primal Vehicle
Primal Effect
Primal Field PsH3K
Changing Systems
28 Components

Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Amended:  4-Sep-2016. Reviewed: 12-Jan-2023.