Naming the Will-RH Fundamentals

The Root Hierarchy (RH) which is Levels of Will was formulated at a late stage after much investigation, as explained here.

Much earlier, the Root Hierarchy Tree (RHK) had been investigated as the source of personal endeavour. At that time, dynamics within the Centres were taken for granted.

Here is the current formulation for the hierarchy showing provisional verbs:

L RH: Will
7 Be Willing
6 Hold Purposes
5 Create Communications
4 Use Experiences
3 Institute Changes
2 Construct Inquiries
1 Take Actions

The Structural Hierarchy (RsH) was subsequently developed as the basis of creativity.

The Two Trees

Click on thumbnails to see Tree Centres and Channels.


Pattern of centres and channels when the Root Hierarchy of Will/Endeavour.

This Tree, as developed within the endeavour satellite shows the lower 4 levels to be about actualizing effort and the handling of the practicalities of the endeavour.

The upper 3 levels are about transcendence of the current situation and development of a conception of the endeavour.

This confirms the original choice of name as: Requirements for a «Personal Endeavour». The Tree therefore provides for an «endeavour» whose context is «personal». (Of course, in practice, an endeavour may not be personal. That is why bureaucratic endeavours often fail—and then the Tree can help us determine how and where.)


Pattern of centres and channels when the Root Structural Hierarchy of Endeavour is operated as whole.

The Structural Hierarchy-RsH was developed and posted here. It was originally named Creativity in Endeavours, and is now re-named «Being Creative» to follow the style used in the Primary Domains. It contains 28 components used naturally by everyone. As usual, all levels of RHK occur in every Grouping.

This conflicted at the time with the name then given to the Root Structural Hierarchy Tree (RsHK). In examining that Tree using the new perspective, it is evident that

  • the Centres and Channels in the G1-G4 Content section deal with provision of energies that stabilize and consolidate a transcendental conception.
  • the Centres and Channels in the G5-G7 Context section provide necessary guidance through affirmation of realities, known and unknown, potential and existent.

Any conception of something non-existent leads to a mobile mental condition moving between immersion in what exists and immersion in what could be. In weak hands, this causes confusion, fear and distress. In strong hands, it offers guidance and confidence. This suggests that Requirements for a «Constructive Entanglement» could be a reasonable name, i.e. one that captures its function. However, there may be other possibilities.

Note that this terminology allows for entanglement that is not constructive e.g. as used by politicians and confidence tricksters who activate only the lower 4 Centres.


Considering these two Trees together, it is evident that a Constructive Entanglement (RsHK) is the field within which Personal Endeavours (RHK) take place. The desired effect is to Be Creative (RsH), which depends on many component factors.

  A Personal
  A Constructive Entanglement
Root Vehicle
Root Effect
Root Field

Being Creative
28 Components

This completes the naming of Domain Fundamentals.

Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Amended:  4-Sep-2016. Updated: 13-Jan-2023.