Naming the Experience-PH4 Fundamentals


The Primary Hierarchy of Experience (PH4) was formulated in association with the Principal Typology (PH'4), primarily to clarify the latter's ordering. The Primary Hierarchy Tree was mysterious until the verbs were developed recently in the Architecture Room.

This is the current formulation showing provisional verbs:

L PH4: Experience
7 Open the Imagination
6 Integrate Identification
5 Develop an Intuition
4 Embrace an Idea
3 Contain an Emotion
2 Focus an Image
1 Enable a Sensation

An account of the PH4-Primary Hierarchy is now provided in the Experience and the Self satellite.

The Structural Hierarchy (PsH4) has been provisionally developed as part of the present investigation of the Root projection to Structural Hierarchies.

The Two Trees

Click on thumbnails to see provisional Tree Centres and Channels.


Pattern of centres and channels when the Primary Hierarchy of Experience is operated.

This Tree has been investigated and formulated specifically for the present analysis. Its most noticeable feature is the centrality of ideas-L4.

The lower 4 levels appear to enable or affect perceptions. This is obvious for sensation-L1 and image-L2. Emotions-L3 are more personal, but feelings are integral to perception; and ideas-L4 also direct and shape perceptions.

The upper 3 levels seem far more self-oriented and based in a bigger picture of the social situation. Intuitions-L5 are a product of past experience and used to handle situations. Identifications-L6 are the building-blocks of a self used to present oneself. Imagination-L7 is unique to oneself and opens up possibilities in the situation.

This suggests that Requirements for an «Authentic Perspective» could be a reasonable name, one that captures its function. The Tree provides for a «perspective» because it is a perception in context; and because it is personally-generated and identity-related, it can be «authentic». (Of course, in practice, a perspective may not be authentic—but that is precisely what the Tree can help determine.)


Pattern of centres and channels when the Structural Hierarchy of Experience is operated as a whole.

The Structural Hierarchy-PsH4 has only recently been formulated in a preliminary fashion and is not posted. It is provisionally named Manifesting Character, and contains 28 components used naturally in handling oneself. As usual, all of PH4K occurs in every Grouping.

The Structural Hierarchy Tree (PsH4K), also not yet published or posted, reveals that:

  • the Centres and Channels in the G1-G4 Content section are entities and processes involved in being actively and mentally present in a social situation.
  • the Centres and Channels in the G5-G7 Context section enable a distinctive and constructive interaction of a person with that social situation.

The necessary Tree name must reveal that personal drivers and potentials guide and depend on personal participation and presence. This suggests that Requirements for a «Motivated Presence» might be an appropriate capture of the function. Another possibility is «Contributory Participation». Just as in PsH2K, not all research is scientific, and in PsH1K, not every course of action is credible, so not all presence is motivated (or not all participation is contributory)—and this Tree helps clarify why.


Considering these two Trees together, it is evident that a Motivated Presence (PsH4K) is the field within which Authentic Perspectives (PH4K) are foci to be developed and proffered. The effect over time is to Manifest Character (PsH4), which depends on many component factors.

  An Authentic
  A Motivated Presence
Primal Vehicle
Primal Effect
Primal Field PsH4K
Manifesting Character
28 Components

Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Amended: 4-Sep-2016. Reviewed: 12-Jan-2023.