Quadrants Capture Reality

Engaging with Reality

How the methods seek to capture and communicate reality.

Communication creates psychosocial reality, which is to say reality insofar as we can know it. Review now the different orientations of the 7 methods to handling reality.

As initially noted, methods that share a TET quadrant must have a fundamental similarity. In this case, the TET quadrants appear to represent different perspectives on reality and how it is appreciated and handled via language.

UR: Concrete — Gestalt

It appears that these methods regard reality as requiring to be perceived, an activity which intrinsically demands effort. As a result, language reveals a reality that we did not previously fully appreciate.

LL: Logical — Associative

It appears that these methods regard reality as something whose important features can be assumed or are self-evident and therefore exist to be believed. As a result, language confirms a reality that we all intrinsically know (even if we did not know that we knew!).

The relation of language effects and impact on reality according to quadrants in the TET.

LR: Conceptual

The Conceptual Method is about representing reality via theoretical frameworks, which assumes that its most important features can be conceived. That demands the use of language to investigate.

UL: Universal — Mythic

It appears that these methods regard reality as something that requires presentation and social appreciation. That means it can be regarded as already received. Language then affirms the relevant reality of feelings and values.

Dealing with an Unknown

Dealing with an unknown means developing knowledge about a portion of reality using language.

Quadrant sequence in the TET in relation to determining and communicating realities.

If we start with a situation that is wholly unknown, the first task in communicating about it necessarily involves exploration.

Once the unknown is revealed, the next step is to evaluate the account for its relevance and interest.

If the account is affirmed as real and important, then the next step is to develop understanding.

There may be no wish to understand, particularly if the evaluation is indifferent or negative. Only when there is a basic shared understanding, does the urge to incorporate the unknown into the existing body of knowledge.

Incorporation opens up possibilities which leads to further exploration and the cycle continues.

Originally posted: 27-Aug-2016.   Last updated: 28 Feb-2023.