Reality: Discovery v Construction

The Distinction

The extreme v central distinction used in the initial plotting of the methods generates methods lying on two concentric circles as shown at below right.

The analysis just completed revealed two different approaches to reality in accord with these circles.

  • Inner circle methods (L'3-speculative, L'6, L'4, L'1) appear to assume and require the discovery of reality. Their effective use depends on social expectations and conventions. There is often explicit social guidance and even control of the acceptability of what is said or written. In other TET frameworks, these central methods were described as being under «social auspices».
  • Outer circle methods (L'3-established, L'2, L'7, L'5) appear to assume or require the construction of reality. Their effective use is a matter of individual creativity and imaginative or transpersonal choice. In other TET frameworks, these peripheral methods were described as being under «personal auspices».

Inner Circle: Reality is Discovered

Reality is discovered under social auspices but constructed under personal auspices.

The inner circle traces out methods in which reality is discovered through the use of language. This approach is strongly bolstered by the relevant social environment.

  • Conceptual-speculative method takes for granted that reality must be discovered. Any speculation is a proposition embodying a conception about what reality might be like. There is commonly a relevant discipline or expert group with strong expectations about what ideas and propositions are acceptable.

  • Logical method is needed to identify assumptions about a reality that is taken for granted. These assumptions are self-evident axioms or generalizations that can be shown to be useful or even necessary.

  • Universal method is about binding members of a group through the sharing of values, respect for natural human concerns, and the development of a common understanding of what is important. Accounts must discover or re-discover the implication and application of these values and concerns in reality. Opinion-formers are those who operate at the leading edge of this value discovery.

  • Concrete method depends on the assumption of an external shared reality. It draws on or develops terms to identify objects and procedures that have to be observed (discovered) and explicated for a particular purpose.

Outer Circle: Reality is Constructed

The outer circle traces out methods in which reality is discovered through the use of language. Reality therefore arises somehow from an innate generativity. Because the methods require more determination, there is often a leading figure that reinforces the version of reality being constructed.

  • Conceptual-established method determines reality by using socially accepted concepts within a doctrine or theoretical framework. Any such framework provides an imperfect perspective on reality, and may well be replaced.

    Personal auspices:  The adoption and sustenance of a particular framework is a matter for each person, especially if there is more than one espoused theory of the topic. Theories cannot be forced by others or even a social group.

    Doyens:  Leaders emerge in most fields and often exert considerable influence over its theoretical development, partly through influencing studies and also by shaping what is published.

  • Associative method, as used by a small group of familiars, develops an account of reality that is held to fit the facts. The construction occurs in a spontaneous fashion that meets the preferences and needs of those involved. Something similar can happen when political speakers radically simplify issues at public rallies.

    Personal auspices:  There is no effective social control here. Those using the method may be content to live in a self-contained universe in which whatever they say suffices.

    Dominant personalities: Any group is liable to contain one or two individuals who dominate conversations and affects a member's comfort in speaking up.

  • Mythic method constructs a non-existent reality characterized by fantastic claims and vague abstractions. The account is given power with rhyme and rhythm, striking images and resonant metaphors.

    Personal auspices:  The concerns here touch on the fundamentals of human existence about which every individual experiences a right to believe what they will.

    Charismatic guides: Any group that is bound by spiritual-philosophical doctrines typically has one or more leaders who are particularly influential in regard to orthodox beliefs.

  • Gestalt method constructs a reality that reflects how people can and should experience life, and the communication touches them deeply.

    Personal auspices:  Each individual decides for themselves whether they are emotionally touched and whether the particular event is meaningful.

    Art Critics: Specific people take it on themselves to explain why a particular piece of music, novel or film is powerful and meaningful. This encourages others to engage and helps them develop sensitivity.

Reject Social Restraints

It is common in TET's to find a centrifugal tendency in quadrants. The more extreme method exerts an attraction because it is perceived as more sophisticated or powerful. In stabilization methods-PH'4, for example, it offered an escape from social oppression.

In using language, the attraction to the extreme method relates to the realization that each person can decide for themselves about reality. So tapping into personally controlled methods can be a useful strategy, even if it is not strictly justifiable.

Quadrant differential and centrifugal influences in the language-use methods plotted on the TET.

LL:  The generalized assumptions in the Logical method may be more likely to be applied if individuals are allowed to modify or add to them expediently (Associative)—even if those changes are actually invalid or might confuse others. Consultants allow this commonly to get buy-in to their paradigms.

UL:  The persuasiveness of the Universal method is more likely to influence the audience and increase social solidarity if magical or dream-like images or spiritual passages (Mythic) are offered—even if those additions are unrealistic or even untrue. E.g. politicians use the national flag or mythical historical events to activate and sway their audience.

UR:  The perceptions of the Concrete method are more likely to be judged as meaningful if they are placed in a context that purports to be a basic human condition (Gestalt). Empirical scientists often do this to get media exposure and win government grants.

UR:  The speculative conceptions of the Conceptual method are more likely to be judged as credible if they are articulated as an implication or prediction of an existing paradigm or established theoretical framework.  This is regarded as good practice amongst scholars and scientists.

  • Review the Methods for Using Language.

Originally posted: 15-Oct-2014. Amended: 4-Sep-2016. Last updated: 28-Feb-2023.Ex