General qualities of quadrants in the use of language TET based on the axes of explication and sensitivity.

Plotting the Methods

Recall that the TET (Typology Essences Table) is a way to display all Methods of Using Language (PH'5) in a way that differentiates them and illuminates their relationships in practice.

The next step is to consider each method in turn and determine in broad terms:

  • how much the method focuses on veridical explication.
  • how much the method focuses on sensitive expression.

I will follow the same exposition style used elsewhere.
TETs for Decision-making (Principal Typology PH'1), Ethical Choice (Principal Typology: PH'6), Interacting for Benefit (Subsidiary Typology: PH'6QH4), Primal Quests: Root Typology: RH')

Start with Extreme Methods…

We place the Associative Method in the lower left corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Mythic Method in the upper left corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Gestalt Method in the upper right corner of the upper right quadrant.

Then the Central Methods…

We place the Logical Method in the upper right corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place the Universal Method in the lower right corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place the Concrete Method in the lower left corner of the upper right quadrant.

Just one last Method to consider…

We place the Conceptual Method in the lower right quadrant in a diffuse ellipse running from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.

The TET Analysis

We have now completed plotting the Typology Essences Table (TET). This allows us to look simultaneously at all approaches in an arrangement that reflects the basic mechanics of purposeful communication.

The TET reveals additional significant features of the methods of using language including:

  • contrasting functions of approaches on the two diagonals (approach duality)
  • features of the quadrants, especially in relation to handling reality.
  • natural antagonisms between diagonally opposite quadrants

Finally, the TET can be used to illuminate psychosocial functioning in terms of:

  • benefits of each method: personally and socially
  • leadership in groups
  • societal truth, especially when painful
  • pairing mentalities.

Originally posted: 27-May-2013. Amended: 4-Sep-2016. Last updated: 10-Feb-2023.