Stage-3: Resolving Conflicting Perspectives

ClosedRemember the Origin of Conflict:

Resolving emerging conflicts with Stage 3 dialectic values.

Only the value set of the DIALECTIC Mode can tackle the emerging cultural need associated with unhelpful conflicts. These conflicts are unpreventable because boundary issues must emerge from compartmentalizing responsibility for joint work.
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Even if few see themselves as arbitrators or negotiators, every manager must recognize that if the organization cannot grip those issues around which powerful divisions and disciplines come into conflict, achievement will be limited, crises will recur and failure, even disaster, may result.

Remember the Axiom:  Culture ≠ Method  i.e. Closed even if dialectic assumptions and methods are not natural for many managers, it is now time for certain dialectic-based values to become part of the organization's culture.

Groups Develop Values

Organizational compartmentssections, like departments, divisions, units &c, have a coherence and logic based on their activities, and also supporting values according to the type of organization and sectional work. The strength of compartments lies in their budget-holding, planning powers, management authority, facilities and other resources. Most empire-building is sectional in nature.

Professional disciplines, by contrast, are like permanent tribes, whose members spread across society and are not confined to one organization. Their strength lies in their work methods and supporting values—which never fully align with management values. Tribes may also cleave to doctrines or theories.

Purely disciplinary-tribal perspectives must be validated because they are the basis for the self-respect and pride that experts have in their work. However, such perspectives must align with the work of the section where members are employed, or work will be subtly or overtly sabotaged according to how the particular expert feels.

Labor unions are industry-based or employee sector-based. Like all groups,Closed they can get into disputes over the distribution of benefits or inequities in workload. Such issues are often more relevant to achievement than to culture: read more later.

Dialectical Values & Principles

Disruptive contention, resentments and paralyses must be handled from the outset, but dialectical conventions can only be effectively emphasized and reinforced after a thorough accountability-based restructuring. The new cultural features are as follows:

In handling the situation:

In handling the group:

In handling yourself:

The creation of a dialectic ethos markedly reduces tensions, releases progress, and increases comfort (not least for the CEO): so:

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011