Stage-4: Working with Values

Workling with values and objectives using Stage 4 rationalist values.

The RATIONALIST Mode completes the staged effort to control activities by harnessing values: the most sophisticated, non-intrusive and unobjectionable form of control.

Value-based control is:

► more gratifying than threats
► more effective than authoritative decrees
► more self-affirming than expedience.

ClosedRemember:Values have been important from the outset.

However, to this point, unifying values, like the mission, are more prominent on wall posters and the annual report than in the minds of managers and front-line staff. Values are a two-edged sword:Closed Unless values are harnessed, they seem to operate counter-productively. Proclaiming «motherhood and apple pie» then engenders ridicule, confusion, fragmentation, demoralization and cynicism.

Nevertheless, recognize that:

► all actions at work express values and objectives
► all structures are energized and directed by values and objectives
► all conflicts can be resolved via common values and agreed goals.

The problem is that none of these earlier values focus on the organization as a whole.   A strong leader cannot tolerate that staff work diligently while remaining disengaged from what is really important for the whole group.

Rationalist Values & Principles

The rationalist mode cannot possibly be introduced unless and until:

► accountability and capability issues are settled (Stage-2)
► main boundary issues generated by restructuring are resolved (Stage-3)
► respect/understanding between the sections & disciplines exists (Stage-3)

Given these preconditions, the leadership should introduce rationalist values systematically, expecting to drive the installation process for a minimum of 18-24 months.

In handling the situation:

In handling the group:

In handling yourself:

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011