The Spiral Trajectory

Management Culture

Management culture refers to refers to those values, within the organization, perceived as essential to manage staff and business activities effectively

Consulting experience has shown that the management culture can be strengthened in a staged process. The stages are defined by value-sets (called «Modes») that derive from the decision approaches.

The natural sequence of Modes (value-sets) to be installed traces out a spiral trajectory of developmental Stages when plotted on the decision-making TET. The sets of values at each Stage cumulate. 

Alternative options suggested to do better than disjointed incrementalism

The Trajectory of Change in Brief

Culture starts from the Pragmatic Mode, which enables immediate necessary action. However, it soon becomes evident that some essential work is not getting done properly or at all, management is perceived as weak, and the work environment is chaotic.

Stages 1 2 3 4 provide more and better control over activity.


In Stage-2, values from the Structuralist Mode

can ensure accountability for all work, efficient processes and order. But, over time, structures generate inter-departmental and inter-disciplinary conflicts.

So in Stage-3, values from the Dialectic Mode

can enable issues to be gripped and satisfactorily resolved. If pressure for achievement continues, the organization finds itself trapped without direction. (Strong management becomes reduced to knocking heads together.)

So in Stage-4, values of the Rationalist Mode

can provide shared values and organizational objectives, which then enable a more logical variety of pragmatic opportunism.

Cycle-1 concludes by re-entering pragmatism with a more logical form of opportunism.

Stages 1 5 6 7 provide for reduced risk and greater effectiveness in achieving objectives.


In Stage-5, values of the Empiricist Mode

meet the demand for certain knowledge of the objective realities, through collecting data and specific investigation if need be. However, it is backward looking by nature.

So in Stage-6, values of the Imaginist Mode

can orient everyone to using their creative potential and exploring their aspirations in regard to work.

In Stage-7, values of the Systemicist Mode

can  lead to recognition of the significance of social forces, relevant interactions and feedback, and provide for team learning.

Cycle-2 concludes by re-entering pragmatism with a far more focused and dynamic form of pragmatism.

ClosedPragmatism is the Key

» The full story is far more interesting than this summary, and it starts here.

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011