Stage-7: Co-evolving with Society

The SYSTEMICIST Stage, the final step, requires leaders and managers to realize that their organization is a living social entity. Its deepest nature is governed by its internal and external interactions.

Co-evolving with wider society via Stage 7 systemicist values.

An organization either adapts creatively to forces inside and outside itself, or it eventually founders. It either learns from its interactions with other bodies in society, or it loses its lead to those who can.

The social identity of the organization must be further strengthened by embracing change and development in a far more positive way than has been possible hitherto.

Systems thinking is needed for major change.

Part of our dislike of change is to imagine that «the other» should change. But when «the other» is evolutionary forces in society or intractable obstacles, then this way of thinking is futile: the forces are impersonal and you are part of «the other».

Once more, recall the axiom:Closed Installing systemicist values is not about turning every manager into a systems analyst or world-beating strategist. Fortunately, there is nothing more natural than thinking systemically: children do it, and so can managers.

Systemicist Values & Principles

In handling the situation:

In handling the group:

In handling yourself:

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011