Summary of Terms Used

The accountability dynamics have been described using a range of basic terms. These are brought together here for a brief explanation and a complete summary overview. The diagram is provided for reference. The focus in this section is on producing outcomes: issues like leadership and culture are not addressed, nor are the detailed mechanisms used by managers.

Basic Terms

Intentional States

«Identity» refers to Purposes-PH6 L7 - L4: note that all these purposes are values.

«Policy» refers to Purposes-PH6 L3 & L2: L3-priority is a value, L2-strategic objective is an outcome.

«Operations» refers to all activities that are required to produce outputs with a view to achieving desired outcomes.

Tree showing management centres and accountability channels between them.

«Programs» refers to specifically organising activities to produce outcomes defined in terms of outputs.

«Systems» refers to methods for controlling work processes and work-flows within operations e.g. schedules, rotas, emergency procedures, process pathways.

«Output» refers to a tangible end-result of a work activity.

Responsible Handling

«Control» is about taking maximum responsibility for choices: may be a Centre or a Channel joining adjacent Levels.

«Activation» is about instigating choices promptly: always a Channel joining adjacent Levels.

«Development» is about designing and articulating a new desired state: may be one or two Channels joining adjacent Levels.

«Installation» is about overcoming inertia due to confusion, resistance or opposition: always two Channels that bypass a Level.

«Intervention» is about introducing a change in the face of resistance: always a Channel that bypasses a Level.

«Implementation» is about bringing a new state into effect: may be one or two Channels joining adjacent Levels.

«Imposition» is about insisting and enforcing: always a Channel and may cross one or two Levels.

«Maintenance» is about sustaining the purposive state: always a Channel, but may be within a Level or cross one Level or cross two Levels.

«Management» is not included here becauseClosed it is a general term for meta-work required by constant change and demands many ways of handling as described here.

Accountability Requirements


Identity requires control (within WL7B)

Identity requires development (WL7B↔WL6)

Identity requires maintenance (WL6S↔WL6R)

Identity requires installation (WL7B↔WL4S)

ClosedAbsent processes:






Originally posted: 28-Feb-2014