Experience Domain:
Arenas for Individualizing (PH'4Q•)
The exchanges enabling self-preservation.
are aboutThe here
are each presented brieflyThe pairing of these Arenas is explained here.
The Tree of the 7 Arenas is proposed here.
In this webpage, after providing a summary Table of the 7 Arenas, there will be further Tables and diagrams related to each of the Arenas, specifically:
a) the Types in the Arena
b) the Spiral of Growth in the Arena
c) the Tree of the Arena
All formulations are summary propositions. Being at an early stage of drafting, they need correction, expansion, refinement and improvement.
self-preservation. . Labels to help grasp each of the Arenas are shown in the Table below.
is experienced as servingThe Arenas oscillate between social or outer-directed (odd-numbered) and personal or inner-directed (even-numbered).
PH'4 | Label for Self-Preservation Constituent Types |
Typology PH'4Q•t |
Spiral PH'4Q•C |
Hierarchy PH'4Q•H |
Tree PH'4Q•HK |
Struct Hier PH'4Q•sH |
Str Hier Tree PH'4Q•sHK |
Continuity within an Individualizing Arena |
Ways to Preserve the Self |
Strengthening Individuality | Levels in the Individualizing Arena | Dynamic Determinants | Context of the Individualizing Arena | Socio-emotional Engagement | |
-Q7 | Spiritual continuity
(T7) guided by (T1) |
... to handle vulnerability | Strengthening self-protection via milieu awareness |
... of power in self-protection |
... of self-protection in existence |
n/k | n/k |
-Q6 | Survival continuity
(T6) guided by (T7) |
... to respond to adversity | Strengthening inner resolve via adjustment |
... of control in hopefulness |
... of hopefulness in adversity |
n/k | n/k |
-Q5 | Societal continuity
(T5) guided by (T6) |
... to get acknowledged | Strengthening social recognition via social presence |
... of resolution in acceptance | ... of acceptance in society |
n/k | n/k |
-Q4 | Practical continuity
(T4) guided by (T5) |
... to assist others | Strengthening involvement via inputs |
... of standing in usefulness | ... of usefulness in a community |
n/k | n/k |
-Q3 | Relational continuity
(T3) guided by (T4) |
... to maintain relationships |
Strengthening close ties via bonding |
... of a involvement in a friendship |
... of friendship in a relationship |
n/k | n/k |
-Q2 | Psychic continuity
(T2) guided by (T3) |
... to feel real and alive | Strengthening a self-image via self-confirmation |
... of value in self-confidence |
... of self-confidence in thriving |
n/k | n/k |
-Q1 | Daily continuity
(T1) guided by (T2) |
... to connect socially | Strengthening ties to others via social interaction |
... of intensity in sociability | ... of sociability in everyday life |
n/k | n/k |
Q1: Sociability
Sociability is about interacting with others in a comfortable and pleasant way in everyday life. There is no requirement for depth in relationships or sophistication in social skills.
While everyone is expected to manifest a capacity for sociability, for some it is the defining mode of self-expression and the
Easy childhood experiences and personality factors will affect the role that sociability plays in a person's life. However, harmonious social interaction in which acceptance is the rule, even if it is only superficial and in the moment, reduces stress and anxiety and can boost self-esteem.
Networking depends on sociability.
# | Ways (t) to Connect Socially TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Strengthening Social Ties Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Sociability Tree |
7 | Join in celebrations | Ritualized celebrations | Celebrations |
6 | Enter competitions | Friendly competition | Competitions |
5 | Explore interests | Shared interests | Interests |
4 | Display generosity | Conventional generosity | Generosity |
3 | Express approval | Public approval | Approval |
2 | Initiate conversations | Stimulating conversation | Conversations |
1 | Attend events | Available events | Events |
Q1t: Ways to Connect Socially
T | Way to Connect Socially | Function | Connecting Process | Oscillating Duality | Property 1 | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Join in Celebrations | ||||||
6 | Enter Competitions | ||||||
5 | Explore Interests | ||||||
4 | Display Generosity | ||||||
3 | Express Approval | ||||||
2 | Initiate Conversations | ||||||
1 | Attend Events |

The attention that must be given to the setting (X-axis) and the effort required to interact (Y-axis).
can be considered in relation to a particular opportunity for social interaction and plotted high or low in relation to theAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. Those in the lower two quadrants are more intrinsically motivated, while those in the upper two quadrants are affected by extrinsic expectations. Ways in the right two quadrants are more milieu-driven, while those in the left two quadrants are more self-driven. Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR enables general opportunity, while UL enables a specific opportunity; LL seeks mirroring, while UR seeks reciprocity.
The inner circle defines ways that are superficial and general and so apply similarly in all networks.
The outer circle defines ways that are specialized and will vary from network to network.
The two circles fuse in which changes from being occasional to being special.
The arrows indicate preferences for establishing a personal presence i.e. conversations (t2) are strengthened when exploring personal interests (t5), generosity (t4) is commonly required to enable celebrations (t7), obvious approval (t3) is enhanced by friendly competition (t5), and attending events (t1) that are special is more significant than attending the occasional event.
Q1C: Stages in Strengthening Social Ties via Social Interaction

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values for interacting socially and enabling enduring sociability. Together they spell out what is required to strengthen social ties.
Being sociable commences with
, while recognizing that attendance is meaningless unless diligently followed up and developed. So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if the is judged sufficient.Cycle-1 modes use Stage-1 events to establish a welcome social presence: initially by engaging in , then by , and finally by . At the end of this Cycle, and can be depended upon by others in the group or network.
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively increase active participation, initially via finding and pursuing , then by taking part in , and finally by .
depends on progressing from enabling superficial encounters and interactions to personalizing participation regularly.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes to develop ties beyond the current Stage, (b) wishes for a social life that is more certain and reliable, (c) pressure from life changes like moving to a new environment or external encouragement from family or peers, and (d) limitations of the current mode when taken to extremes.
Q1HK: Determinants of Sociability in Everyday Life
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is responsive/specific/personal v systematic/general/social.
The internal duality suggested is personalizing interaction v interacting with others.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then performance based on the Q1 position, and finally autonomy (from ) and certainty (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q1sH & Q1sHK: Undetermined
Q2: Self-Confidence
Self-confidenceis about maintaining your self-worth so as to encourage others to relate to you. There is again no requirement for depth in relationships, nor for personal sophistication.
Everyone desires self-confidence and, for some, it is the essence of their individuality and self-expression. For others, it is the basis from which they pursue individuality in other arenas, especially assisting with
and . For all, it is essential to manage everyday stresses.Self-confidence emerges naturally given childhood experiences of empathic support and validation which fosters liveliness. As identity develops and consolidates in young adulthood, the concerns of this Arena come to the forefront. They are the stuff of soaps and reality TV.
# | Ways (t) to Feel Alive TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Self-confirmation Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Self-confidence Tree |
7 | Welcome idealization | Unselfconscious idealization | Idealization |
6 | Seek love | True love | Love |
5 | Release feelings | Revealed feelings | Feelings |
4 | Use sexuality | Conventional sexuality | Sexuality |
3 | Allow attraction | Mutual attraction | Attraction |
2 | Take on challenges | Meaningful challenges | Challenges |
1 | Embrace physicality | Natural physicality | Physicality |
Those who suffered a traumatic childhood, whether unintentional due to illness or accident or based on emotional or physical abuse, this Arena is difficult to master. The individual is uncomfortable in their body (t1), avoids challenges (t2), feels unattractive (t3), is sexually inhibited or perverted (t4), suppresses and represses feelings (t5), claims to be unlovable (t6), and is crushed by a sense of imperfection and self-doubt (t7). Recommendations for building self-confidence typically focus on strengthening the sense of self, rather than attending to this Arena.
Q2t: Ways to Feel Alive
T | Way to Feel Alive |
Function | Connecting Process | Oscillating Duality | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Accept Idealization | |||||
6 | Seek Love | |||||
5 | Release Feelings | |||||
4 | Use Sexuality | |||||
3 | Allow Attraction | |||||
2 | Take on Challenges | |||||
1 | Embrace Physicality |

The dependence on bodily activity(X-axis) and their dependence on others (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation to theirAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. Those in the lower two quadrants are intrapersonal. while those in the upper two quadrants are interpersonal. Ways in the right two quadrants require initiative, while those in the left two quadrants depend on receptivity. Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR is physical, while UL is relational; LL ways are difficult and disturbing, while UR ways are easy and exciting.
The inner circle defines ways that are body-based and so are similar for everyone.
The outer circle defines ways that are emotional and idiosyncratic for each individual.
The two circles fuse in which changes from being occasional to being special.
The arrows indicate preferences for enhancing the intensity of aliveness i.e. challenges (t2) are enhanced by feelings (t5), sexuality (t4) is commonly enhanced by idealization (t7), attraction (t3) is enhanced by love (t5), and physicality (t1) that is assured enhances bodily awareness.
Q2C: Stages in Strengthening a Self-image via Self-confirmation
In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .
These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values for handling one's body and one's self. Together they spell out what is required to strengthen a self-image.
commences with our natural as and preoccupations, while recognizing that attendance is meaningless unless diligently followed up and developed. So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if the is judged sufficient, but most desire to at least integrate modes 1 through 4.Cycle-1 modes build on Stage-1 self-awareness to get positive feedback: initially by choosing , then by experiencing , and finally by . Stage-1 re-emerges at the end of this Cycle-1 as a that is internally reassuring and enjoyed by others.
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively increase social validation that lively self-image: initially by , then by , and finally by enjoying an .
depends on moving from being simply aware of one's body to being physically assured in terms of other's attitudes and one's own self-idealization.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes for more self-confirmation, (b) desires to alter the self-image to be more valued by others, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q2HK: Determinants of Self-confidence in Thriving
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is responsive/specific/personal v systematic/general/social.
The internal duality suggested is relating to others v self-preservation which seems to be about self-importance enabling self-love (self-esteem, self-worth).
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then certainty based on the Q2 position, and finally certainty (from ) and performance (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q2sH & Q2sHK: Undetermined
Q3: Relationship
Relationships refer to a person's potentially enduring association with another person.
Relationships commence within the family, and then with maturation extend to outsiders. Relating expresses and develops individuality.
Most relationships are casual and the other person is described as an acquaintance. More significant relationships become friendships. The two special forms are romantic which are deeply personal and potentially lead to a new family; and professional or work-based which may come to a sudden end.
While sociability demands civility and can apply in any interaction, relating introduces an element of caring and positive liking for the other person.
# | Ways (t) to Relate TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Bonding Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Friendship Tree |
7 | Mesh life choices | Interpersonal meshing | Meshing |
6 | Show loyalty | Loyal compliance | Compliance |
5 | Join in rituals | Created rituals | Rituals |
4 | Bestow gifts | Meaningful exchanges | Exchanges |
3 | Admire qualities | Appreciative validation | Validation |
2 | Stay close | Physical closeness | Closeness |
1 | Feel caring | Sympathetic caring | Caring |
Q3t: Ways to Maintain Relationships
T | Way to Maintain a Relation |
Conditions of Use | Requirement | Reciprocation | Temporal Orientation | Need to Identify with the other |
Threats |
7 | Interpersonal Meshing Mesh Life Choices | Collaboration in joint enthusiasms | Mutual participation and inter-dependence | Required (or there is no meshing) | Continuous BUT diffuse & private |
High: Differences enable growth |
Boredom Detachment |
6 | Loyal Compliance Show Loyalty |
Need for agreement and loyalty | Trust and reliability | Required (or oyalty cannot be sustained) | Periodic AND definite & public |
Low: Differences are suppressed |
Uncooperativeness Toxic demands |
5 | Created Rituals Join in Rituals |
Maintenance of a regular connection to prevent losss | Mutual desire to sustain the connection. | Required (or rituals do not persist) | Continuous BUT diffuse & private |
High: Differences........ |
Withdrawal Neglect |
4 | Meaningful Exchange Bestow Gifts |
Desire for a personalized interaction | Openness to involvement | If absent then feelings of being ignored. | Periodic AND definite & public |
Low: Differences are welcomed |
Meanness Silence |
3 | Appreciative Validation Admire Qualities |
Explicit benefit from another's abilities/qualities | Perceptiveness and insightful communication | If absent, then feelings of being devalued. | Continuous BUT diffuse & private |
High: Differences....... |
Undermining Dissembling Criticism |
2 | Physical Closeness Stay Close |
Situations of shared pleasure or danger | Acceptance of a connexion | If absent, then feelings of exclusion or jealousy | Periodic AND definite & public |
Low: Differences are irrelevant |
Absence Distance Distraction |
1 | Sympathetic Caring (Feel Caring) |
Feelings of attraction and concern | Chemistry with a desire to attach | If absent, then feelings of rejection or posessiveness/ | Continuous BUT diffuse & private |
High: Differences are challenging |
Coldness Hardness Thoughtlessness |

The attention given to the other (X-axis) and attention given to oneself (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation toAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR is an inner state, while UL is external show; LL ways are based in action, while UR ways are based in thoughtfulness.
The inner circle defines ways that are emotionally driven and liable to ignore situational realities.
The outer circle defines ways that consider the whole person in the actual situation.
The two circles fuse in which changes from experiencing attraction to experiencing devotion.
The arrows indicate preferences for maintaining the relationship i.e. closeness (t2) is maintained by rituals (t5), exchanges (t4) are maintained by life meshing (t7), validation (t3) is maintained by loyalty (t5), and caring (t1) that is devoted maintains attraction.
Q3C: Stages in Strengthening Relating via Bonding
In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .
These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values for strengthening social bonds. Together they spell out what is required to form a
commences with , which is a spontaneous attraction evoking at least a minimum of directed at the other. So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if the is judged sufficient.Cycle-1 modes build on Stage-1 liking to develop an emotional attachment: initially by finding opportunities to become , then by of the other, and finally by engaging in . Reciprocal assistance becomes easy and natural so Stage-1 caring re-emerges at the end of this Cycle-1 as a willingness to .
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively deepen personal involvement: initially by that enable and celebrate togetherness, then by of all sorts, and finally by . These commitments shift to being natural and selfless.
depends on moving from simply liking someone to being devoted to them.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes to deepen the friendship, (b) wishes for a more stable reliable relationship, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q3HK: Determinants of Friendship in a Relationship
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology using the essence of each of the 7 modes, and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is personal v social.
The internal duality is suggested to be connecting to the other v binding to the other.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then acceptability based on the Q3 position; and finally performance (from ) and understanding (from ).
The requisite and self-centred Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q3sH & Q3sHK: Undetermined
Q4: Usefulness
Being useful creates the sense of being needed and that is a justification for existence. Usefulness is therefore a potentially powerful support of individuality.
Usefulness is closely associated with caring about others and helpfulness and that has been identified as pressured by well-being.
The danger with a focus on usefulness is that a person may come to experience themselves as an instrument and lose touch with their own inner needs.
# | Ways (t) to Assist Others TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Inputs for Involvement Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Usefulness Tree |
7 | Give backing | Solid backing | Backing |
6 | Use influence | Potent influence | Influence |
5 | Communicate identification | Deliberate identification | Identification |
4 | Promise dependability | Constant dependability | Dependability |
3 | Apply abilities | Applicable abilities | Abilities |
2 | Choose engagement | Willing engagement | Engagement |
1 | Show concern | Targeted concern | Concern |
Q4t: Ways to Assist Others
T | Ways to Assist Others |
Function | Process | Oscillating Duality | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Give Backing | |||||
6 | Use Influence | |||||
5 | Communicate Identification | |||||
4 | Promise Dependability | |||||
3 | Apply Abilities | |||||
2 | Choose Engagement | |||||
1 | Show Concern |

The recognition by others (X-axis) and likelihood of effectiveness (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation toAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR is driven from within, while UL is dependent on externals; LL ways are personal, while UR ways are social.
The inner circle defines ways that are immediate and personal responses to the situation of need.
The outer circle defines ways that are enduring and social positions in relation to the situation of need.
The two circles fuse in whose spontaneous form is immediate and whose committed form is enduring.
The arrows indicate preferences for bolstering assistance i.e. identification (t5) bolsters engagement (t2), backing (t7) bolsters dependability (t4), backing (t5) bolsters abilities (t3), and concern (t1) that is committed bolsters spontaneity.
Q4C: Stages in Strengthening Usefulness via Inputs

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values to assist others in a constructive way. Together they spell out what is required to be
.Any offer of
commences with a for the plight of an acquaintance or associate. So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if the is judged sufficient.Cycle-1 modes build on the spontaneous Stage-1 concern to provide prompt assistance: initially by becoming , then by to serve the other, and finally by being . Provision of assistance becomes an expectation so that Stage-1 concern re-emerges at the end of this Cycle-1 as a .
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively increase personal involvement: initially by with the other's situation, then by using , and finally by offering . These result in becoming a .
depends on moving from simply showing concern for another's need to being committed to help.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes to be perceived as useful, (b) wishes to offer support that is more direct and reliable, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q4HK: Determinants of Usefulness in a Community
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is social v personal.
The internal duality suggested is personal involvement v practical assistance which seems to be about involvement enabling assistance.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then well-being based on the Q4 position; and finally understsanding (from ) and acceptability (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q4sH & Q4sHK: Undetermined
Q5: Acceptance
Acceptance is a group-based arena.
# | Ways (t) to Get Acknowledged TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Presence Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Acceptance Tree |
7 | Gain credentials | Credible credentials | Credentials |
6 | Make a contribution | Useful contributions | Voluntarism |
5 | Adopt a role | Necessary roles | Roles |
4 | Reveal a personality | Presentable personality | Personality |
3 | Offer sharing | Spontaneous sharing | Sharing |
2 | Be responsive | Reliable responsiveness | Responsiveness |
1 | Manage interaction | Conventional interaction | Interaction |
Q5t: Ways to Get Acknowledged
T | Ways to Get Acknowledged |
Function | Process | Oscillating Duality | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Gain Credentials | |||||
6 | Make Contributions | |||||
5 | Adopt a Role | |||||
4 | Reveal a Personality | |||||
3 | Offer Sharing | |||||
2 | Be Responsive | |||||
1 | Manage Interaction |

The orientation to the social consensus (X-axis) and their orientation to personal engagement (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation to theirAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. The lower two quadrants foster submergence of the personality, while the upper two quadrants foster expression of the personality. The right-hand two quadrants are self-pre-occupied while the left-hand two quadrants are other-directed.
Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR is standardized, while UL is personalized; LL ways are stability-oriented, while UR ways are progress-oriented.
The inner circle defines ways that are about self-conscious involvement.
The outer circle defines ways that driven by social requirements.
The two circles fuse in whose polite form is self-conscious and whose valued form is socially determined.
The arrows indicate preferences for gaining social recognition i.e. responsiveness (t2) suggests a social role (t5), personality (t4) is bolstered by credentials (t7), sharing (t3) paves the way for contributions (t5), and interaction (t1) that is polite is bolstered by being valued.
Q5C: Stages in Strengthening Social Recognition via a Presence

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values to gain recognition and social standing within a group. Together they spell out what is required to be
.Any attempt to be
commences with that is conventional. So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if the is judged sufficient.Cycle-1 modes build on the spontaneous Stage-1 politeness to ensure genuine acceptance by others: initially by offering , then by tasks or benefits, and finally by revealing a . At this point the Stage-1 interaction appears .
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively consolidate social recognition: initially by fulfilling , then by making , and finally by gaining . These result in becoming .
depends on moving social interactions from being merely polite interaction to being valued.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes to belong to a group, (b) aspirations for more social recognition, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q5HK: Determinants of Acceptance in Society
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is social v personal.
The internal duality suggested is sustained recognition v polite acknowledgement which seems to be about status shaping presence.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then understanding based on the Q5 position; and finally acceptability (from ) and selflessness (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q5sH & Q5sHK: Undetermined
Q6: Hopefulness
# | Ways (t) to Respond to Adversity TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Adjustment Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Hopefulness Tree |
7 | Create beliefs | Useful beliefs | Beliefs |
6 | Express gratitude | Conscious gratitude | Gratitude |
5 | Accept reality | Mature realism | Realism |
4 | Make self-adjustments | Deliberate self-adjustment | Self-adjustment |
3 | Exploit opportunities | Available opportunities | Opportunity |
2 | Pursue strategies | Viable strategies | Strategies |
1 | Set goals | Achievable goals | Goals |
Q6t: Ways to Respond to Adversity/Catastrophe
T | Ways to Respond to Adversity |
Function | Process | Oscillating Duality | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Create Beliefs | |||||
6 | Express Gratitude | |||||
5 | Accept Reality | |||||
4 | Make Self-adjustments | |||||
3 | Exploit Opportunities | |||||
2 | Pursue Strategies | |||||
1 | Set Goals |

The orientation to the future (X-axis) and their orientation to personal views (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation to theirAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. The lower two quadrants are internally-oriented, while the upper two quadrants are externally-oriented. The right-hand two quadrants call for imaginative effort, while the left-hand two quadrants are grounded in what is given.
Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR ways are personally focused, while UL ways are environmentally focused; LL ways seek environmental control, while UR ways call for self-control.
The inner circle defines ways that are about participation in the socio-physical milieu.
The outer circle defines ways that driven by a transcendental-transpersonal orientation..
The two circles fuse in whose minimal form is and whose maximally developed form is .
The arrows indicate preferences for gaining spiritual support i.e. strategies (t2) are supported by engaging with reality (t5), self-adjustment (t4) is supported by created beliefs (t7), exploitation of opportunities (t3) is supported by expressing gratitude (t5), and goals (t1) that are credible are supported by empowerment.
Q6C: Stages in Strengthening Inner Resolve via Adjustment

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values to handle the extremely difficult situation in which a person may be plunged. Together they develop
to handle the situation and spell out what is required to be .Any generation of
commences with . So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if resolve is judged sufficient.Cycle-1 modes build on credible Stage-1 goals to enable pursuing these goals under the circumstances: initially by devising , then by seeking out , and finally by . At this point the Stage-1 goals will be fully .
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively enable overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles: initially by adopting a , then by showing , and finally by developing about the situation and the future. These result in Stage-1 goals becoming .
depends on moving goals from being merely credible to being owned and empowered.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) determination to maintain hope, (b) need to strengthen resolve, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q6HK: Determinants of Hopefulness in Adversity
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is social v personal.
The internal duality suggested is overcoming negativity v creating of change which seems to be about affirmations shaping initiatives.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then autonomy based on the Q6 position; and finally selflessness (from ) and Well-Being (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
Better viewing: Use browser zoom if needed.
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Q6sH & Q6sHK: Undetermined
Q7: Self-Protection
# | Ways (t) to Handle Vulnerability TET |
Modes/Stages (μ/Φ) in Inner Positivity Spiral |
Hierarchy (L) for Self-protection Tree |
7 | Choose a path | Chosen path | The Path |
6 | Develop positions | Defensible positions | Positions |
5 | Find humour | Unifying humour | Humour |
4 | Awaken faith | Practical faith | Faith |
3 | Know your self | Cosmic self | Self-knowledge |
2 | Attribute significance | Esoteric significance | Significance |
1 | Allow openness | Deliberate openness | Openness |
Q7t: Ways to Handle Vulnerability
Attribute Si | Ways to Handle Vulnerability |
Function | Process | Oscillating Duality | Limitation & its Overcoming |
Effect of Absence |
7 | Choose a Path | |||||
6 | Develop Positions | |||||
5 | Find Humour | |||||
4 | Awaken Faith | |||||
3 | Know Your Self | |||||
2 | Attribute Significance | |||||
1 | Allow Openness |

The orientation to potential dangers in the situation (X-axis) and their involvement of the self (Y-axis).
can be plotted high or low in relation to theirAs usual, the ways fall into quadrants. The lower two quadrants are receptive, while the upper two quadrants are assertive. The right-hand two quadrants call for imaginative effort, while the left-hand two quadrants are grounded in what is given.
Ways in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism: LR ways are outer-oriented, while UL ways are inner-oriented; LL ways require reflection, while UR ways require commitment.
The inner circle defines ways that require transcendence of current conditions.
The outer circle defines ways that require a practical grounding in your milieu.
The two circles fuse in whose minimal form is and whose maximally developed form is .
The arrows indicate preferences for gaining practical reassurance i.e. significance (t2) is supported by humour (t5), faith (t4) is supported by choosing a path (t7), knowing your self (t3) is supported by development of positions (t5), and openness (t1) that enables noticing phenomena is supported by seeing the reality.
Q7C: Stages in Strengthening Self-Protection

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values to handle dangerous environments. Together they ensure
is handled in the situation and spell out what is required to strengthen .Any management of
commences with . So the Spiral is an effortful process in which the values of each Mode (μ) cumulate to form a series of Stages (Φ). Development can stop at any Stage if vulnerability is judged to be sufficiently managed.Cycle-1 modes build on Stage-1 openness to become one with the situation: initially by realizing the of what is noticed , then by disentangling one's ego to allow , and finally by maintaining a in regard to developments. At this point Stage-1 openness will allow .
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively enable mastery of real and imagined dangers: initially by seeing in oneself and the situation, then by holding , and finally by and adhering to it. These result in Stage-1 openness allowing you .
depends on your openness developing from simply noticing phenomena to seeing the relevant reality.Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) wishes for an existence that feels safer, (b) need to handle your environment, (c) pressures from within and without, and (d) excessive or distorted use of the current mode.
Q7HK: Determinants of Self-protection in Existence
As usual, a Tree can be created from the Q-typology (equivalent to the essence of each of the 7 modes) and this provides for dynamics between the
.The dynamic duality to be applied is social v personal.
The internal duality suggested is mastering helplessness v staying connected which seems to be about grounding shaping transcendence.
The psychosocial pressures are well-being as the underpinning force derived from the domain, and not shown in the diagram; and then selflessness based on the Q7 position; and finally well-being (from ) and autonomy (from ).
The requisite and self-interested Trees are shown below.
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Q7sH & Q7sHK: Undetermined
Originally posted: 30-Nov-2024