Control of Change

This webpage provides a quick summary and technical overview of the key structures and concepts that will be referred to in what follows.

The Spiral Complex

Following THEE principles, the depiction types in the Change Domain Typology are alternative methods for optimizing the fundamentals in the Change Domain RL3. They do this by guiding the use of definitive stages, the Domain Vehicle that changes systems so as to enable a sustained progression, which is the Domain Field.

This graphic lays out the fundamentals in the Change Domain:

Fundamentals of the change domain.

Diagonals on the TET plot reveal a duality in depiction paradigms: domination versus evolution.

The depiction methods can be holistically viewed and appreciated using a TET diagram as presented in the previous section and shown at right. The TET axes for complexity (X) and control (Y) form the psychosocial context of any sustained progression (PsH3).

While the depiction methods are distinct and incompatible, some assumptions and principles within each of the methods are widely shared values. By abstracting these values and converting methods to modes of functioning, it is possible to combine them. Combination is developed by progressively cumulating modes to generate a developmental Spiral on the TET. This Spiral, in turn, reveals additional control mechanisms.

Any Spiral Control Complex specifies essential Domain features, the most important of which are:

  1. Psychosocial Pressure
    Each Root Level defines a Primary Domain and carries a psychosocial pressure which has a neuro-biological origin and can be irresistible in practice.

    In the case of Change-RL3, the psychosocial pressure is conjectured to be Acceptability.

  2. Primal Need
    Each Domain exists to meet a vital need, the primal need, essential for personal survival.

    In the case of Change-RL3, this need is conjectured to be Fitness in the sense of suitability or appropriateness in the social environment.

    All Domain Fundamentals (i.e. a definitive stage, system changes, and any sustained progression) are evaluated in terms of their fitness.

  3. Primal Means
    The primal need of each Domain is met by its fundamentals. However, in addition, there is a specific primal means that operates with varying degrees of sophistication and plays a major role in meeting that need.

    In the case of Change-RL3, the primal means to enable fitness is conjectured to be Clarity.

    Fitness requires clarification of situations as a core around which personal functioning as a whole can be supported. Because fitting in is a continuing requirement for social existence, the degree and quality of clarification is directly relevant to maintaining acceptability.

  4. Primal Controller
    The primal means is itself subject to control by Requirements associated with and responding to the Domain'spsychosocial pressure: Acceptability.

    The Controller is currently undefined/unknown. When known, it will put clarification efforts under a pressure for acceptability so as to reliably ensure psychosocial fitness.

The proposed relation between the Depiction Methods and the Domain Controls for Change-RL3 is shown in the diagram below:


Controls within the change domain.

Originally posted: 30-Oct-2024.