Stage 7: Unifying Adjustments

ClosedReminder of the clarification process so far:

Practical Acceptance is ensured in the Unified Mode

The Unitary mode-6 provides for communal ownership and a counter-balance to the personal ownership of the Atomistic mode-5. But both of these modes stand apart from the particularity of situations which often varies from case to case. There may be personal characteristics, group features or contextual phenomena relevant to a situation that cannot be ignored without violating the sense of fitness of the explanation.

In addition, the time element re-emerges because contexts evolve and those involved with the situation change.

The simplicity inherent in Mode-6 uniformity-conformity gives way to the complexity inherent in the myriad of contexts that potentially apply to particular groups. The Unified mode-7is oriented to this complexity.


The Unified mode is about recognizing that any explanation must be applied within widely varying and constant evolving contexts that deserve respect and attention. The particular context and any suitable adaptation is subjectiveand adjustments are applied in a limitedfashion.

Values & Assumptions

Stage-7-unified to fit the explanation to the context.

Promoting Acceptability

ClosedEssence: Formulation Adjustments

The group's shared reality is formed and strengthened by communication. People can be particularly sensitive to the choice of words because associations and hence meanings can vary in the light of a vast number of factors. So long as the underlying references do not change, acceptance can be greatly enhanced by substituting terms, or re-phrasing key features.

ClosedDesired Benefit: Contextual Responsiveness

The power of context to shape and even determine change must never be underestimated. The group's context should not and must not alter the given explanation of a situation in a fundamental sense. However, adjustments in formulation can helpfully alter emphases, improve the narrative structure, increase ownership, and bring important implications into awareness.

ClosedMeans: Awareness of Dependence

The danger is always that uniformity and conformity are pushed too far and the context gets ignored or taken for granted. The evolution of any situation is always context-dependent and that dependence must be continually kept in mind. Explanations can then be willingly adjusted without losing their integrity.

Handling the Group

ClosedParticipation: Explain the context

The relevant context for any particular person or group may be temporal-historical, relating to specific events in the past that cannot be ignored. It may also be socio-cultural and relate to local customs or habitual activities of neighbouring groups. Sometimes the relevant context is physical or practical, being a matter of facilities or resource availability.

ClosedCommunication: Relate to social needs

Explaining in terms of a relevant context may trigger particular needs that cannot be ignored or suppressed. If simple reassurance does not suffice, the narrative that flows from the explanation must be re-developed so as to clarify the implications for social needs.

ClosedIndividualization: Allow re-orientation

In dealing with a particular context, the usual orientation to the situation as explained in principle may not be sensible or tolerable. It must be possible to alter that orientation without abandoning the explanation.

Channeling Your Functioning:

ClosedGain Support: Balance

Multiple pressures affect any attempt to explain a complex situation. In particular, specific contexts can be so powerful that they appear to undermine the given explanation. Over-identification with the context must therefore be resisted. Maintaining personal balance and tolerance for all viewpoints is the final requirement to win necessary support for your contextually-adjusted position.

Concluding with This Stage

Mode-1 again, with general acceptance it becomes a powerful explanation.

The Spiral trajectory is now almost complete. The clarification of the situation for individuals and groups is detailed, penetrating and persuasive due to the cumulation of principles extracted from the depiction methods.

The need for control drops massively when all are on board, and the capacity to deal with complexity increases greatly due to incorporation of numerous factors. So the trajectory spontaneously moves back to the Causal Mode-1 in the lower right extremity.

The explanation can now be described as powerful because acceptance by each and all plus local adaptation maximally facilitate the handling of any problematic situation.

Originally posted: 30-Sep-2024.