Re-enter Mode-1: Sufficient Explanation

ClosedReminder of the clarification process so far:

The Watershed

Having reached the Dynamic Mode-μ4, the situation and its progression have been substantially clarified.

Mode-1 again to get a sense of closure with a sufficient explanation.

Because of the values and principles that have cumulated and been applied to this point, the quality of the causal explanation now shifts. The spiral trajectory re-enters the Causal Mode-μ1 further down the ellipse at a new position which may be characterized as sufficient.

A sufficient explanation is one in which the nature of the situation can be explained, at least in principle and in a way that is credible.

Crude use of power to control progression lessens because of the dynamic modelling and appreciation of polarization effects. At the same time, the cumulation of awarenesses from the structural, dualistic and dynamic modes makes it easier to address complexity.

The initial values of the Causal Mode-μ1 are significantly adjusted due to inputs from Modes μ2, μ3 & μ4.

  • What is satisfying now seems more reasonable and likely.
  • Confusion has largely receded.
  • Consensus on salience can be put into perspective
  • Existing beliefs may be adjusted or become less relevant.
  • The obvious gives way to the important.
  • Thought leadership strengthens and may become group leadership.
  • Preoccupation is deepened through expertise and comprehension.

Having provided a sufficient and satisfying grasp of the situation and its progression, the completion of Cycle-1 is an attractive settling point.

Recap of Cycle 1

The function of Cycle-1 is to give a full answer to the question of "what is going on". Understanding of a situation undergoing sustained progression (PsH3K) has been progressively clarified.

ClosedReminder of this clarification and the oscillation of modes:

Causal Mode-1 entails the use of immediately available evidence and salient features to provide an explanation that is satisfying.

The rapid adoption of such an explanation is highly subjective and evidence for it is inevitably very limited.

Structural Mode-2 develops a holistic model of the situation by abstracting the essential categories.

The construction of the model aspires to be objective and coverage strives to be comprehensive.

Dualistic Mode-3 identifies unavoidable polarization within the situation which exposes disputes and fixed perspectives.

The recognition of tensions is subjective and the identification of the underlying opposing forces is limited.

Dynamic Mode-4 enables an understanding of the evolution of the situation based on the dynamic interaction of components.

The factors and forces in the situation are objectively determined and the account needs to be comprehensive.

At each of the initial 4 Stages, clarity may be deemed to be satisfactory. If so, there is no call for further penetration. Such a choice will depend on situational factors, as well as the interests and aspirations of all involved.

However, if we look at complex situations like financial markets, climate change, quality of government and development of social justice, it is evident that more is required.

Significant social situations that need to progress typically call for individuals and groups to independently take action within their own spheres of autonomy and responsibility.

While clarity at the end of Cycle-1 can be useful, if people in general do not accept it, then even a sufficient explanation will be ineffective in practice.

Personal Acceptance in Cycle-2

Cycle-1 is socially supported. But if an explanation of a situation is to have any impact, then it needs to be personally supported. Developing personal acceptance is a multi-stage process delivered by Cycle-2 and based on explicit respect: for the person, for minimum standards, for contextual pressures—which can be provided in three successive Stages:

Stage-5 involves moving back along the X-axis to the Atomistic Mode to allow the explanation to be personally owned.

Stage-6 requires moving up the Y-axis towards maximum control via values of the Unitary Mode. This is where group ownership becomes possible and people accept explanations because they conform to relevant socio-cultural standards.

Stage-7 requires moving across to the Unified Mode in which the explanation needs to be adjusted, without abandoning any earlier principles, to fit the psychosocial context within which it is being used.

■ With this final acceptance, a second spontaneous return to the Causal Mode-μ1 occurs, but now to the lower right end of the ellipse. Here, the explanation is not just satisfying and sufficient, but powerful due to its general acceptance.

Originally posted: 30-Oct-2024.