Preview the Framework for Clarifying

The Trajectory in Brief

The natural sequence of Modes (value-sets) to be installed traces out a spiral trajectory when plotted on the PH'3-depiction TET. As the values at each Stage cumulate, clarity is progressively enhanced, until the explanation of what is going on is ultimately experienced as fitting the situation.

Clariication starts in the Causal Mode with a simple explanation of the salient factors on which all are agreed.

However, it soon becomes evident that such an explanation does not provide sufficient clarification. It caters best to those who are easily satisfied, or who are unlikely to be affected by the situation, or who just refuse to allow themselves to become involved.

Those who are involved are likely to become dissatisfied with an explanation that has little backing and often appears to be the confirmation of a bias or a convenient rationalization. The desire and challenge to get more clarity is what drives development around the Spiral

The various transitions and their primary instigators are shown in the diagram and then briefly explained below.

Spiral trajectory for increasing clarity in regard to a situation.

Cycle-1 starts clarifying with a satisfying explanation in the Causal Mode-μ1 and then progressively incorporates essentials of the situation to conclude by spontaneously re-entering that Mode-μ1 with a sufficient explanation. This Cycle engages group-oriented modes, and the resulting degree of clarity may be sufficient if there is no serious disagreement. If there is, then Cycle-2 needs to be activated with a greater focus on personal acceptability.

Cycle-2 is a process in which everyone's acceptance of the «sufficient explanation» comes to the fore. Cycle-2 activates all involved, initially by respecting and responding to their personal autonomy, then by respecting and imposing formal-social standards, and finally by respecting and adapting to the relevant context. This fuller clarification means that on re-entering the Causal Mode-μ1, the explanation is powerful enough to enable those involved to deal with the situation.

Now consider the process in more detail.

Originally posted: 30-Oct-2024.