FAQ's from Managers

The list below contains some of the more immediate reactions by managers, drawn from many years' experience of introducing and explaining this framework.

ClosedQ: Many years, even five, is just too long. If each mode is important, surely the sensible thing is to take the best values from each and put that culture in right away?

ClosedQ: Some management consultants suggest we should immediately turn ourselves into «learning organizations». Do we have to go through all seven stages to achieve this?

ClosedQ: Don't management tools like Total Quality Management and Business Process Re-engineering aim to introduce more advanced modes directly?

ClosedQ: Why can't we decide a set of our own values, including some from your lists, and install those?

ClosedQ: Must we follow your sequence of stages slavishly? What if we have already partly installed several values from the later modes?

ClosedQ: Can we speed things up by working on several stages simultaneously?

ClosedQ: But we need all the modes immediately, don't we? How can we manage with an incomplete culture?

ClosedQ: Your step-by-step account seems too mechanical. Reality is fluid and changing. Even if your modes are valid, can't we feel our way forward intuitively?

ClosedQ: Can we really expect everyone to become expert in each of the decision approaches?

ClosedQ: How will we know when a new mode with its values has been successfully adopted?

ClosedQ: It sounds risky. Does a strong management culture guarantee success?

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011