The Watershed: Logical Opportunism

Presence of rationalist values enables the  pragmatic mode to move to logical opportunism.

Establishing the Rationalist Stage is a watershed in the strengthening of a management culture.

Once the Rationalist Mode has become embedded in the culture, the pragmatic drive can be accelerated much more safely. Opportunism suddenly loses its tendency to be mindless, because it can be geared to generating desired outcomes. So any organization is now solid, self-confident and potentially highly effective. The pressure for organizational achievement can at last be positively addressed by everyone.

ClosedWhat it's like…

● Staff realize that values really do mean something if crises are used as an opportunity to advance them. (Previously, crises were an excuse for ditching values.)

● People are still driven to act—but as much internally as by their boss.

● Political realities must still be heeded, but they can be dealt with in a less fearful and more cooperative way.

● There is a modus vivendi between tribal factions and a degree of alignment between their values and organizational objectives.

Pragmatism remains and, if not wholly transformed, its degeneration is definitely inhibited by the widespread recognition of the importance of shared values and organizational objectives. This becomes a new pragmatic foundation for further cultural development.

The New Foundation

The rationalist ethos includes continuing appropriate use of dialectic, structuralist and pragmatic values, and lets capable people achieve for themselves while they are achieving for the organization.

Getting Control of Control

In a rationalist ethos, control has not gone away. It is just that control, even accountability-based control, does not feel such a burden or problem any more. We all find it perfectly natural and acceptable to let our values control our activities. So control gets internalised to the degree that a value is genuinely held.

We can say that: the organization has now achieved mature self-control, and so have the members. Staff at all levels act decisively, doing what is expected and more, while manifesting responsibility, adaptation to others, loyalty, involvement, cooperation, and self-discipline. But is this enough? or too much? ClosedIt sounds a bit like organization man: there must be more to work and achievement than this.

Achievement is now evident, but personal and organizational effectiveness is still limited. Not only that, degeneration may occur.

While Cycle-1 was about getting control over activities: the challenge of Cycle-2 is to increase effectiveness.

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011