The Paradox of Pragmatism

Dynamic Informed Pragmatism

Once the Systemicist Mode is firmly established, there is no limit either to the dynamism or the patience of management.  The spiral trajectory is complete.

Informed and directed dynamic pragmatism is the result of completing the spiral of growth.

By the end of Cycle-2, pragmatic action is dynamic and effective due to a combination of systems thinking, valid knowledge and personal commitment. As a formula, we might say:

Grasp of realities +Aspirational energy Well-judged action.

So pragmatic values still apply, but in a transformed way.

«Do it now!» remains valid—but the «it» is vastly different. Often «it» refers to affirming or explaining or inquiring or waiting.

Even the pragmatic injunction to «seek your own advantage» remains: after all, if you are not for yourself who will be for you?  But it is complemented by a sense of connectedness: each person depends on many others to ensure the organization enjoys success and brings personal rewards.

Maintaining a Strong Culture

Inducting new managers into the management culture and managing their succession is now of the utmost importance. New top executives, even CEOs, should accept a degree of socialization, and learn the common language to assist in the evolution of the organization and its capabilities.

Degeneration of values is an ever-present danger. Any social identity is really no more than a set of embedded values. Perhaps this is why organizations die sooner than people: turnover of top staff and sheer effort prevents the preservation of inner integrity.

The spiral trajectory in strengthening the management culture is now complete.

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011